
3.0.0 • Public • Published

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💫 <images-switch>

Simple images-switch Lit component, you can switch between SVG image in background. Higly


🕹️ Examples

Example Microsoft

--switch-width: 150px;
--switch-height: 60px;
--circle-margin: 15px;

--switch-border: 4px solid #000;
--switch-border-checked: 4px solid #00a2ed;

--switch-bk-color: #fff;
--switch-bk-ck-color: #00a2ed;
--switch-bk-disabled-color: #ccc;

--circle-bkcolor: #000;
--circle-ck-bkcolor: whitesmoke;

--text-font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;
--text-font-size: 2rem;
--text-font-weight: 300;
<!-- Images switch -->
<images-switch truetext="On" falsetext="Off"></images-switch>

Example Camping

--switch-width: 160px;
--switch-height: 80px;

--circle-margin: 9px;

--circle-bkcolor: whitesmoke;
--circle-ck-bkcolor: whitesmoke;

--switch-bk-ck-url: url(/images/dark_o.svg);
--switch-bk-url: url(/images/light_o.svg);
--switch-bk-disabled-url: url(/images/disabled_o.svg);

Example Github

--switch-width: 160px;
--switch-height: 80px;
--switch-border: 4px solid #000;
--switch-border-checked: 4px solid #faf614;
--circle-url: url(/images/moon.svg);

--color-scale-purple-6: #6e40c9;
--color-scale-purple-9: #271052;

--circle-margin: -7px;
--bk-ck-color: var(--color-scale-purple-9);
--circle-bkcolor: #040d21;
--circle-ck-bkcolor: var(--color-scale-purple-6);

Example Check

--switch-width: 160px;
--switch-height: 80px;
--circle-margin: 9px;

--border: none;
--switch-bk-color: #ff5683;
--switch-bk-ck-color: #72e06f;
--switch-bk-disabled-color: #bbb;
--circle-bkcolor: whitesmoke;
--circle-ck-bkcolor: whitesmoke;

--switch-bk-ck-url: url(/images/check.svg);
--switch-bk-url: url(/images/cross.svg);

--switch-shadow: inset 0 0 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6);
--circle-shadow: 0 0 0px 2px rgba(100, 100, 100, 0.2);
--circle-shadow-focus-on: 0 0 5px 6px #FFDE03;
--circle-shadow-hover-on: 0 0 5px 6px #FFDE03; 

--text-font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;

🚀 Usage

  1. Install package
npm install --save @cicciosgamino/images-switch
  1. Import
<!-- Import Js Module -->
<script type="module">
  // Importing this module registers <progress-ring> as an element that you
  // can use in this page.
  // Note this import is a bare module specifier, so it must be converted
  // to a path using a server such as @web/dev-server.
  import '@cicciosgamino/images-switch'
  1. Place in your HTML
<images-switch truetext="On" falsetext="Off"></images-switch>


📒 Properties/Attributes

Name Type Default Description
value String '' Input value field
checked Boolean false Input checked attribute
disabled Boolean false Input diabled attribute
trueText String '' Property to set the text of the switch when true
falseText String '' Property to set the text of the switch when false




Event Name Target Detail Description
change images-switch { checked: checked } Fired when the switch changes status

🧁 CSS Custom Properties

Name Default Description
--switch-width 80px Switch width
--switch-height 40px Switch height
--switch-border none Switch border when unchecked
--switch-border-checked none Switch border when checked
--switch-shadow none Switch shadow (out or inside switch border)
--switch-bk-color transparent Switch background-color when unchecked
--switch-bk-ck-color transparent Switch background-color when checked
--switch-bk-disabled-color transparent Switch background-color when disabled
--switch-bk-focus-color transparent Switch background-color when focus
--switch-bk-hover-color transparent Switch background-color when hover
--switch-bk-url none Switch background SVG url when unchecked
--switch-bk-ck-url none Switch background SVG url when checked
--switch-bk-disabled-url none Switch background SVG url when disabled
--circle-url none Circle SVG url
--circle-ck-url none Circle SVG url when checked (TODO)
--circle-disabled-url none Circle SVG url when disabled (TODO)
--circle-margin 3px Circle margin
--circle-bkcolor transparent Circle background-color when unchecked
--circle-ck-bkcolor transparent Circle background-color when checked
--circle-shadow none Circle shadow
--circle-shadow-focus-on none Circle shadow when focus
--circle-shadow-hover-on none Circle shadow when hover
--text-font-family sans-serif Font-family if text is used
--text-font-size 2rem Font-size if text is used
--text-font-weight 300 Font-weight if text is used
--text-absolute-top -1.5rem Absolute position top
--text-absolute-right -7rem Absolute position right

🤖 Write HTML and JavaScript

Import the component's JavaScript module, use the component in your HTML, and control it with JavaScript, just like you would with a built-in element such as <button>:

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>My Example App</title>

    <!-- Add support for Web Components to older browsers. -->
    <script src="./node_modules/@webcomponents/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>

    <!-- Use Web Components in your HTML like regular built-in elements. -->

    <!-- The Material Web Components use standard JavaScript modules. -->
    <script type="module">

      // Importing this module registers <progress-ring> as an element that you
      // can use in this page.
      // Note this import is a bare module specifier, so it must be converted
      // to a path using a server such as @web/dev-server.
      import '@cicciosgamino/images-switch'

      // Standard DOM APIs work with Web Components just like they do for
      // built-in elements.
      const s = document.querySelector('images-switch')

🚀 Serve

Serve your HTML with any server or build process that supports bare module specifier resolution (see next section):

# use globally instelled
npm install -g @web/dev-server

# install the project dev-dependencies and npm run
npm install
npm run serve

Bare module specifiers

All @cicciosgamino Lit components JavaScript modules that use bare module specifiers. Bare module specifiers are not yet supported by browsers, so it is necessary to use a tool that transforms them to a path (for example from @cicciosgamino/images-switch to ./node_modules/@cicciosgamino/images-switch/images-switch.js).

Two great choices for tools that do this are:


Got something interesting you'd like to share? Learn about contributing.

💪 Accessibility

Actually acessibility is handled with the role=switch and mirrororing the checked and disabled attributes from the native checkbox input element to the <images-switch> web component.


  • [ ] More Examples
  • [ ] Basic Unit testing
  • [ ] Documentation
  • [ ] npm publish

CSS encapsulation

The elements HTML structure is initialized in a Shadow DOM, so it is impossible to apply CSS to it. If you need to change the element's default style for any reason, you should open up a new issue (or a pull request!), describing your use case, and we'll work with you on solving the problem.

Browser support

Browsers without native custom element support require a polyfill. Legacy browsers require various other polyfills. See [examples/index.html][example] for details.

  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Microsoft Edge

🧑‍💻 Author



Reach out to me at one of the following places:


Donate help and contibutions!


GNU General Public License v3.0

Made 🧑‍💻 by @cicciosgamino

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  • cicciosgamino