
0.0.7 • Public • Published


The code generator for Knit. Knit brings GraphQL like capabilities to RPCs. It is built on top of Protobuf and Connect. This packages houses a protoc plugin that generates TypeScript types for Knit clients.

Learn more about Knit at github.com/bufbuild/knit.

How to generate

We recommend buf as a protocol buffer compiler, but protoc works as well.

To install buf, the plugin, and the runtime, run:

npm install --save-dev @bufbuild/buf @bufbuild/protoc-gen-knit-ts
npm install @bufbuild/knit

Generate with buf

Remote packages

If you push your modules to BSR, you can use remote packages to get the schema. For example for the star wars demo, you can run the following command to get the schema:

npm config set @buf:registry  https://buf.build/gen/npm/v1/
npm install @buf/bufbuild_knit-demo.bufbuild_knit-es@latest

Remote plugins

If you use buf you can use remote plugins to generate the schema, for example:

# Learn more: https://docs.buf.build/configuration/v1/buf-gen-yaml
version: v1
  # This will run the generator on the BSR and write output to src/gen
  - plugin: buf.build/bufbuild/knit-ts
    out: src/gen

Local generation

To compile with buf, add a file buf.gen.yaml with the following content:

# Learn more: https://docs.buf.build/configuration/v1/buf-gen-yaml
version: v1
  # This will invoke protoc-gen-knit-ts and write output to src/gen
  - name: knit-ts
    out: src/gen
    opt: target=ts # Optional, defaults to dts

Now run npx buf generate to generate Knit schema types in TypeScript from .proto files.

Generate with protoc

To compile with protoc:

protoc -I . --plugin ./node_modules/.bin/protoc-gen-knit-ts --knit-es_out src/gen --knit-es_opt target=ts example.proto

Plugin Options


This option controls whether the plugin generates TypeScript or TypeScript declaration files.

Possible values:

  • target=ts - generates a _knit.ts file for every .proto file.
  • target=dts - generates a _knit.d.ts file for every .proto file.

By default, the plugin generates .d.ts files. Since the plugin only generates types, and no JavaScript, it doesn't need to generate .js files.


By default, the generated files use a .js file extensions in import paths.

This is unintuitive, but necessary for ECMAScript modules in Node.js. Unfortunately, not all bundlers and tools have caught up yet, and Deno requires .ts. With this plugin option, you can replace .js extensions in import paths with the given value. For example, set

  • import_extension=none to remove the .js extension
  • import_extension=.ts to replace the .js extension with .ts


By default, empty files are omitted from the plugin output. This option disables pruning of empty files, to allow for smooth interop with Bazel and similar tooling that requires all output files to be declared ahead of time. Unless you use Bazel, it is very unlikely that you need this option.

What is generated

The plugin only generates TypeScript types that help in constructing query, parameter and result types. It doesn't generate any JavaScript whatsoever. The generated types serve as a schema for the Query, Parameter, and Mask generic types used by the Knit client.

As a result we get the best bundle size that is humanly possible: 0 Kb.


For every protobuf source file, we generate a corresponding .ts, or .d.ts file, but add a _knit suffix to the name. For example, for the protobuf file foo/bar.proto, we generate foo/bar_knit.ts.


For the following service declaration:

package example.v1;

service ExampleService {
    rpc GetExample(GetExampleRequest) returns (GetExampleResponse) {
        option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;
    rpc CreateExample(CreateExampleRequest) returns (CreateExampleResponse);
    rpc SubscribeExample(SubscribeExampleRequest) returns (stream SubscribeExampleResponse);

we generate a TypeScript type called ExampleService:

export type ExampleService = {
  // Fully qualified service name: `{package}.{service}`
  "example.v1.ExampleService": {
    fetch: {
      getExample: {
        $: GetExampleRequest;
        value: GetExampleResponse;
    do: {
      createExample: {
        $: CreateExampleRequest;
        value: CreateExampleResponse;
    listen: {
      subscribeExample: {
        $: SubscribeExampleRequest;
        value: SubscribeExampleResponse;

This can be used with a Knit client:

const client = createClient<ExampleService>(...);

    "example.v1.ExampleService": {
        getExample: {
            $: {...}

Or multiple of them can be combined:

type Schema  = FooService & BarService;

const client = createClient<Schema>(...);

All unary methods with idempotency_level set to NO_SIDE_EFFECTS will be under fetch. Remaining unary methods will be under do. Server streaming methods will be under listen. They correspond to fetch, do, and listen methods of the client. Client streaming and bidirectional streaming methods are not supported.

The $ represents the request and the value denotes the response. Note that method names are always lowerCamelCase, even if the corresponding protobuf method uses UpperCamelCase. While there is no official style for ECMAScript, most style guides (AirBnB, MDN, Google) as well as Node.js APIs and browser APIs use lowerCamelCase, and so do we.


For the following message declaration:

message Example {
    string id = 1;

we generate a TypeScript interface called Example:

export interface Example {
  id: string;
  name: string;

We use a TypeScript interface and not a type definition because interfaces support declaration merging which is used to merge relations into the message's interface.

Note that some names cannot be used as interface names and will be escaped by adding the suffix $. For example, a protobuf message break will become a class break$.

Generated interfaces can be used as a Query, Parameter and can be used with Mask in combination with a Query to get the return type:

const exampleQuery = { id: {} } satisfies Query<Example>;

type ExampleResult = Mask<typeof exampleQuery, Example>;
//   ^?   { id: string }

Field names

For each field declared in a message, we generate a property on the class. Note that property names are always lowerCamelCase, even if the corresponding protobuf field uses snake_case. While there is no official style for ECMAScript, most style guides (AirBnB, MDN, Google) as well as Node.js APIs and browser APIs use lowerCamelCase, and so do we.

Note that some names cannot be used as class properties and will be escaped by adding the suffix $. For example, a protobuf field constructor will become a class property constructor$.

Scalar fields

For these field definitions:

string foo = 1;
optional string bar = 2;

we will generate the following properties:

foo: string;
bar?: string;

Note that all scalar fields have an intrinsic default value in proto3 syntax, unless they are marked as optional. Protobuf types map to ECMAScript types as follows:

protobuf type ECMAScript type default value
double number 0
float number 0
int64 bigint 0n
uint64 bigint 0n
int32 number 0
fixed64 bigint 0n
fixed32 number 0
bool boolean false
string string ""
bytes Uint8Array new Uint8Array(0)
uint32 number 0
sfixed32 number 0
sfixed64 bigint 0n
sint32 number 0
sint64 bigint 0n

Message fields

For the following message field declaration:

message Example {
  Example field = 1;

we generate the following property:

field?: Example;

Note that we special case the well-known wrapper types: If a message uses google.protobuf.BoolValue for example, we automatically "unbox" the field to an optional primitive:

 * @generated from field: google.protobuf.BoolValue bool_value_field = 1;
boolValueField?: boolean;

Custom json_name

Protobuf supports customizing json representation of a message field via the json_name field option. If this is set the wire representation of the field's name should match the option. To support this feature, the schema is generated with a special type.

For the following customized field:

message Example {
    string field = 1 [json_name = "someOtherName"];

we generate the following type:

export interface Example {
  field: {
    "@alias": "someOtherName";
    value: string;

The Query and the result types acquired from Mask are unchanged. The Parameter types require a special type:

const param = {
  field: alias("someOtherName", "value"),
} satisfies Parameter<Example>;

Note that the type of the field can only be satisfied by the exact json_name value and this is like a small boilerplate that needs to be written for such fields. We suspect only a handful of APIs use this option. We are open to exploring other options if this approach proves to be too cumbersome or if the option is widely used.


For the following Knit relation definition:

package example.relations.v1;

import "buf/knit/options.proto";

service ExampleRelationsService {
    rpc GetExampleRelation(GetExampleRelationRequest) returns (ExampleRelation) {
        option (buf.knit.relation).name = "relation_field";
        option idempotency_level = NO_SIDE_EFFECTS;

message GetExampleRelationRequest {
    repeated example.v1.Example bases = 1;

message ExampleRelationResponse {
    repeated ExampleResult values = 1;
    message ExampleResult {
        string relation_field = 1;

we generate the following TypeScript:

declare module "../../../example/v1/example_knit.js" {
  export interface Example {
    relationField: string;

This uses a technique called declaration merging to merge relation fields into the base interface. Note this only happens if the relation field types are included using a blank import: import './gen/example/relations/v1/example_relations_knit.js'

Repeated fields

All repeated fields are represented with an ECMAScript Array. For example, the following field declaration:

repeated string field = 1;

is generated as:

field: string[];

Note that all repeated fields will have an empty array as a default value.

Map fields

For the following map field declaration:

message Example {
    map<string, int32> field = 1;

we generate the property:

export interface Example {
  field: { "@map": { [key: string]: number } };

The @map key is used to identify the field as a Protobuf map type, the Query, Parameter and Mask fields strip the @map property and apply the relevant type:

  • Query uses the query type of the map value type.
  • Parameter uses the map type as is.
  • Mask uses map type with the query applied to the map value type.
const query = {
  field: {}, // Treated as a scalar field since the map value is an int32
} satisfies Query<Example>;

const parameter = {
  field: { key: 1 },
} satisfies Parameter<Example>;

type Result = Mask<typeof query, Example>;
//   ^?  { field: { [k: string]: number } }

Note that all map fields will have an empty object as a default value.

While it is not a perfectly clear-cut case, we chose to represent map fields as plain objects instead of ECMAScript map objects. While Map has better behavior around keys, they do not have a literal representation, do not support the spread operator and type narrowing in TypeScript.

Oneof groups

For the following oneof declaration:

message Example {
  oneof result {
    int32 value = 1;
    string error = 2;

we generate the following property:

export interface Example {
  result?: {
    "@oneof": {
      value: number;
      error: string;

The @oneof key is used to identify the field as a Protobuf map type, the Query, Parameter and Mask fields strip the @oneof property and apply the relevant type:

  • Query uses a special type of OneofQuery<T> where T is the interface with all fields of the oneof.
  • Parameter also uses a special type Oneof<T> where T is the interface with all fields of the oneof.
  • Mask also returns Oneof<T>.
const query = {
  result: {
    "@oneof": {
      value: {},
      error: {},
} satisfies Query<Example>;

type Result = Mask<typeof query, Example>;
//   ^? { result?: Oneof<{value: number; error: string;}> }

Note: This feature requires the TypeScript compiler option strictNullChecks to be true. See the documentation for details.


For the following enum declaration:

enum Foo {
  BAR_BELLS = 1;
  BAR_B_CUE = 2;

we generate the following TypeScript union:

export type Foo = "DEFAULT_BAR" | "BAR_BELLS" | "BAR_B_CUE" | number;

The number is for values other than the ones defined in the protobuf source. This usually happens when two systems are not using same version of protobuf definition.

Note that some names cannot be used as enum names and will be escaped by adding the suffix $. For example, a protobuf enum catch will become a TypeScript enum catch$.


We do not support extensions (a proto2 feature) at this time.

Nested types

A message or enum can be declared within a message. For example:

message Example {
  message Message {}
  enum Enum {ENUM_UNSPECIFIED = 0;}

Since TypeScript doesn't have a concept of inner interfaces like Java or C#, we generate the two interfaces Example and Example_Message, as well as the literal string union type Example_Enum.




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