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Koa query defaults

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Simple parsing and filtering of input params for Koa@2

Standard - JavaScript Style Guide


npm install @bloxite/koa-query-defaults --save

This module made for work with koa-router.


const { query, body, params } = require('@bloxite/koa-query-defaults')
// or in ES6-way
import { query, body, params } from '@bloxite/koa-query-defaults'

Create middleware

To create middleware call one of these methods: query, body or params. These method works with ctx.query, ctx.body or ctx.params respectively and accept same rules. For example:

import { query } from '@bloxite/koa-query-defaults'

    // parse `page` param as number in range from 1 to 50
    // also this value is required
    page: [ 'number', 'range:1..50' ],
    // parse `tags` param as array
    tags: [ 'array' ],
    // parse `search` as string with length from 1 to 100
    search: [ 'string', 'length:1..100' ],
    // parse `sort` param as enum with possible values 'asc' and 'desc'
    sort: [ 'values:asc,desc' ]
  (ctx) => {
    const { query } = ctx
    // GET /posts?page=2&tags=foo,bar&tags=baz&sort=desc

    assert.strictEqual(query.page, 2)
    assert.strictEqual(query.sort, 'desc')
    assert.strictEqual(query.search, '')
    assert.deepEqual  (query.tags, [ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ])

Any runtime validation/parsing errors will be thrown as BadRequest error from http-errors package.

List of rules

Rules will apply in order of definition: [ 'number', 'value:1,2' ] will not work, because first value will be converted to number and then will be matched against list of strings '1' and '2'.

Here is a list of rules:

  • default:<value> — put <default> value if input is not present;
  • boolean — parse "true", "on", "yes", "y", "1" as true, "false", "off", "no", "n", "0" as false;
  • number — parse any input number to JS-number, also support hex, octal and binary numbers (e.g. GET /posts?page=0xDEADBEEF);
  • string — return value as is if present (or coma-separated list of values if array is present), or empty string if value is not provided;
  • array:<separator> — split input parameter by optional <separator> (default is ,) and returns array (empty array for empty input);
  • required — return an errors if no parameter is present;
  • length:<min>..<max> — validate string length, where <min> is lower bound and <max> is upper bound;
  • range:<min>..<max> — same as length but valdate number value;
  • enum:<val1>,<val2>,... — check value (or every value in array) to match a list of allowed values;
  • values (deprecated) ­— same as enum;

Known issues

  • [ ] router.use(query(/* ... */)) has no effect;



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