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0.1.251 • Public • Published

A video player like YouTube that allows streaming and complete customization This package lets you play videos in different formats such as m3u8, mp4, or any other form. As you noticed, this package allows you to stream; we used HLS. In terms of appearance, we tried to be entirely similar to YouTube because it is standard and popular, but you will not be limited in any way. You can customize all sections individually.

Key Features

  • Ability to stream videos or play simple videos.
  • Fully customizable appearance, inspired by YouTube.
  • Control over subtitles, dubbing, playback speed, and quality.g, playback speed and quality by default, and access to control all of these in your application.

Table of Contents


Install with npm:

$ npm i @hosseintaromi/video_player

Install with yarn:

$ yarn add @hosseintaromi/video_player


import { VideoPlayer } from "@hosseintaromi/video_player";

const App = () => {
  const playerConfig = usePlayer({
    onUpdateTime: (e) => {
      console.log("client", e);
    speeds: [0.5, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 2],
    qualities: [252, 432],
    audioTracks: ["English"],
    subTitle: ["Chinese"],
    keyControl: true,
    theme: "Blue",
    locale: {
      setting_menu_change_speed_title: "انتخاب سرعت پخش",
      setting_menu_change_quality_title: "انتخاب کیفیت",
      setting_menu_quality_list_item_auto: "خودکار (بر اساس اینترنت شما)",
      setting_menu_quality_active_list: "خودکار",
      setting_menu_change_audio_track_title: "انتخاب صدا",
      setting_menu_change_subtitle: "انتخاب زیرنویس",
      setting_menu_subtitle_off: "خاموش",
    autoPlay: true,
    timeForHideEl: 1000,
    type: "HLS",
  return (

export default App;


config object type and default value

Field Type Default Description
type "HLS" or "MP4" "HLS" Specifies the type of video stream. Use 'HLS' for streaming and 'MP4' for normal videos.
loop boolean false Enables video looping after it reaches the end if set to true.
autoPlay boolean false Starts playing the video automatically when the player is created.
locale PlayerLocaleType {} Object containing locale strings.
speeds number[] [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2] Array of play speeds for the video.
theme "Red" or "Blue" "Blue" Sets the color theme for the player. Choose between 'Red' and 'Blue'.
timeForHideEl number 3000 Time in milliseconds to automatically hide page elements.
icons IconsType {} Object containing ReactNode for various icons.
style StyleType {} Object containing styles for various player elements.
qualities number[] [] Specify the qualities to display. If not provided, all available qualities will be shown.
audioTracks string[] [] Specify the audio tracks to display. If not provided, all available tracks will be shown.
subTitle string[] [] Specify the subtitles to display. If not provided, all available subtitles will be shown.
keyControl boolean true Enables key listeners for actions like play/pause (space key) or mute (M key).
thumbnail string "" Link to the thumbnail image in TTF format.
onUpdateTime (e: OnUpdateTimeType) => void - Callback function triggered on video time update.
onEnd (e: OnUpdateTimeType) => void - Callback function triggered when the video reaches the end.
onLoading (e: boolean) => void - Callback function triggered when the video is loading.
onPlayPause (e: OnUpdateTimeType) => void - Callback function triggered on play/pause events.
onUpdateBuffer (e: number) => void - Callback function triggered on buffer update.
onChangeVolume (e: OnUpdateTimeType) => void - Callback function triggered on volume change.
onChangeMute (e: boolean) => void - Callback function triggered on mute/unmute events.
onReady () => void - Callback function triggered when the player is ready.
src string "" Source URL of the video.
loadVideo (src: string) => void - Function to load a new video source.
changeLocale (locale: PlayerLocaleType) => void - Function to change the player's locale.

style object type and default value

Field Type Default Description
dir "rtl" or "ltr" "ltr" Text direction (right-to-left or left-to-right).
iconColor string "" Color of icons.
settingTextColor string "" Color of text in settings menu.
toolbarBg string "" Background color of the toolbar.
settingBg string "" Background color of the settings menu.
settingBgHover string "" Background color of the settings menu on hover.
rangeFrontBg string "" Background color of the progress bar.
rangeBackBg string "" Background color of the progress bar track.
bufferBg string "" Background color of the buffer bar.
settingFontSize string "" Font size of text in settings menu.
toolbarFontSize string "" Font size of text in the toolbar.
settingTitleTextColor string "" Color of the title text in settings menu.

icon object type

Field Type
setting ReactNode
checkMark ReactNode
arrow ReactNode
play ReactNode
pause ReactNode
volumeUp ReactNode
volumeDown ReactNode
mute ReactNode
picInPic ReactNode
picOutPic ReactNode
fullScreen ReactNode
unFullScreen ReactNode
speed ReactNode
quality ReactNode
subtitle ReactNode
audioTrack ReactNode
autoPlayOn ReactNode
autoPlayOff ReactNode
jumpBack ReactNode
jumpForward ReactNode
mic ReactNode

locale object type

Field Type Description
setting_menu_change_speed_title string Title for changing speed in the settings menu.
setting_menu_change_quality_title string Title for changing quality in the settings menu.
setting_menu_quality_list_item_auto string Label for the auto quality option in the settings menu.
setting_menu_quality_active_list string Label for the active quality option in the settings menu.
setting_menu_change_audio_track_title string Title for changing audio track in the settings menu.
setting_menu_change_subtitle string Title for changing subtitle in the settings menu.
setting_menu_subtitle_off string Label for turning off subtitles in the settings menu.


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


This software uses the following open source packages:

 ·  React  ·  Node.js  ·  hls.js  ·  emotion


 ·  github/HosseinTaromi

 ·  linkedin/HosseinTaromi


Copyright © 2023, Hossein Taromi. Released under the Apache License.

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