
Zachary Williamson

  • This package provides configuration and code for common chain operations such as contract deployment etc.

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • A package containing non circuit dependent types which are relevant through all the Aztec Typescript codebase.

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • ## Responsibilities

    published 0.21.0 3 months ago
  • Archiver is a service which is used to fetch data on-chain data and present them in a nice-to-consume form. The on-chain data specifically are the following events:

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • This package includes the functionality of the P2P networking required by the aztec node. The `P2PClient` provides an interface for the introduction of transactions to the Tx Pool and propagation of those transactions through the network. The `P2PService`

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • ## Overview

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • The sequencer is a module responsible for creating and publishing new rollup blocks. This involves fetching txs from the P2P pool, ordering them, executing any public functions, running them through the rollup circuits, assembling the L2 block, and postin

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • The Aztec Node implements a sequencer node in the network, and is currently meant to be used for local development and testing. The Node is the entrypoint for creating and starting a new Sequencer client with default components (a local P2P client, an in-

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • A key store is an input component for the [PXEService](../pxe/) to manage keys securely. It provides a secure environment and interfaces for users to manage their keys. When the PXEService requests keys and signatures from the key store, a well-designed k

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • `AztecRPCServer` is a server-side software that provides a set of apis for interacting with the Aztec network. It acts as a bridge between the network and client applications by exposing methods to manage accounts, deploy contracts, create transactions, a

    published 0.7.10 7 months ago
  • Aztec.js is a library that provides APIs for managing accounts and interacting with contracts on the Aztec network. It communicates with the [Private eXecution Environment (PXE)]( through a `PXE` implemen

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • The Aztec CLI `aztec-cli` is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for interacting with Aztec. It provides various commands for deploying contracts, creating accounts, interacting with contracts, and retrieving blockchain data.

    published 0.17.0 4 months ago
  • Aztec Sandbox is a package that allows for a simple development environment on Aztec stack. It creates a Private eXecution Environment (PXE) that listens for HTTP requests on `localhost:8080` by default. When started, it deploys all necessary L1 Aztec con

    published 0.17.0 4 months ago
  • The compiler compiles contracts using nargo and outputs Aztec formatted contract ABIs. The compiler can also generate typescript classes for each contract, as well as interfaces for calling external functions.

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • `PXE Service` (pronounced "pixie service") is a server-side software that provides a set of apis for interacting with the Aztec network. It acts as a bridge between the network and client applications by exposing methods to manage accounts, deploy contrac

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • Aztec contracts for the Ethereum mainnet and testnets

    published 0.35.0 12 days ago
  • published 0.23.0 3 months ago
  • Implementation of sample account contracts for Aztec Network

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • A package containing circuit dependent types which are relevant through all the Aztec Typescript codebase.

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • ## Responsibilities

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • Canonical Noir contracts for the Aztec Network

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • The Aztec KV store is an implementation of a durable key-value database with a pluggable backend. THe only supported backend right now is LMDB by using the [`lmdb-js` package](

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • published 0.35.1 12 days ago
  • Implementation of sample contract entrypoints for the Aztec Network

    published 0.35.1 12 days ago
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