
VSCode Bot

  • Development time npm module to generate strings bundles from TypeScript files

    published 0.0.35 6 months ago
  • A helper library to assist in localizing subprocesses spun up by VS Code extensions

    published 0.0.18 9 months ago
  • An API facade for the WASM WASI CORE VS Code extension

    published 1.0.1 23 days ago
  • Deep learning model to recommend the best extension for a given VS Code workspace

    published 0.0.4 2 years ago
  • Tool to generate tsconfig files from a higher level description

    published 0.1.0 2 years ago
  • - We have built a custom solution based on `web3` sample to host ipywidgets outside of `Jupyter Notebook`.

    published 2.0.1 2 years ago
  • VS Code Extensions Manager

    published 3.1.0 20 days ago
  • Tooling for evaluating performance of VS Code

    published 0.0.18 4 months ago
  • Markdown-it plugin that provides VS Code's KaTeX support

    published 1.1.0 3 months ago
  • Allows to run performance tests with Slack bot messages for VS Code.

    published 0.2.7 4 months ago
  • - We have built a custom solution based on `web3` sample to host ipywidgets outside of `Jupyter Notebook`.

    published 1.0.2 2 years ago
  • [![Build Status](https://dev.azure.com/monacotools/Monaco/_apis/build/status/npm/vscode/policy-watcher?repoName=microsoft%2Fvscode-policy-watcher&branchName=main)](https://dev.azure.com/monacotools/Monaco/_build/latest?definitionId=459&repoName=microsoft%

    published 1.1.6 2 years ago
  • A module for copying zeromq binaries built using Azure Pipelines into the zeromq package.

    published 0.2.3 13 days ago
  • Get Windows System Root certificates

    published 0.3.1 2 years ago
  • Node bindings for spdlog

    published 0.15.0 8 months ago
  • Expose the Windows CreateMutex API to Node.JS

    published 0.5.0 8 months ago
  • NodeJS http(s) agent implementation for VS Code

    published 0.23.0 a month ago
  • Fetch a Windows process tree fast

    published 0.6.0 8 months ago
  • gulp plugin for packaging Electron into VS Code

    published 1.36.0 a year ago
  • Streaming vinyl adapter for zip archives

    published 2.6.0 4 months ago
  • Prebuilt openssl libraries for platforms VS Code is published on

    published 0.0.11 a year ago
  • CLI utility for downloading vscode.d.ts and vscode.proposed.d.ts

    published 0.4.1 3 months ago
  • Bisect released VS Code Insider builds to find bugs or performance issues similar to what git bisect supports.

    published 0.5.2 6 days ago
  • An API facade for the Python extension in VS Code

    published 1.0.5 a year ago
  • This package is a web-compatible package manager built with tsserverlib compatibility in mind. It does not require a "real" filesystem or a "real" NPM installation, but instead uses [orogene](https://github.com/orogene/orogene) to perform package manageme

    published 0.0.2 a year ago
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