
  • == README

    published 1.7.0 15 days ago
  • The DateTimePicker component has a date picker for selecting date and a time input for entering time

    published 4.119.1 4 months ago
  • The divider component is used to visually separate content on a layout.

    published 3.42.0 4 months ago
  • Element for building out textareas in a form.

    published 5.35.0 4 months ago
  • The Form Field component handles the layout of the label, help text and error text associated with a form element.

    published 4.35.0 4 months ago
  • Provides a responsive starting point for the positioning of application components.

    published 4.42.1 4 months ago
  • Documentation Site for Functional Verification

    published 1.1.0 7 years ago
  • Provides a drop down of selectable options.

    published 6.62.2 4 months ago
  • The Terra Navigation Layout package includes a variety of components and utilities to provide configuration-based, react-router-driven navigation to Terra applications.

    published 5.43.1 4 months ago
  • This component is used to provide margin and/or padding space between two components based on the given values.

    published 3.65.0 4 months ago
  • The terra-clinical-onset-picker component provides users a way to enter or select an approximate date for use in onset scenarios.

    published 4.40.0 5 months ago
  • Common utils for kaiju plugins

    published 0.2.0 6 years ago
  • The Kaiju plugin for Terra UI

    published 0.35.0 5 years ago
  • The Terra Form Checkbox is a responsive input component rendered as a box. When activated, a check mark shall appear. Focus can be activated through tabbing and the checked state can be toggled with the space bar.

    published 4.27.0 4 months ago
  • Tabs are containers used to organize content. They allow for quick switching between groups of contextually related content. Content is divided into different containers and each container is viewable one at a time. The user can switch between containers

    published 7.32.1 4 months ago
  • This component renders an application header layout. To be used with a layout.

    published 3.43.1 4 months ago
  • This component renders an application menu layout. To be used with a terra-layout or terra-navigation-layout.

    published 3.34.0 4 months ago
  • The Terra Form Radio is a responsive input component rendered as a radio button next to label text. When activated, a dot shall appear. Use the `name` attribute to group radio buttons together. Tabbing switches focus between radio button groups; arrow key

    published 4.55.0 4 months ago
  • The status view component provides an icon, title, message, and buttons inside a view.

    published 4.78.0 4 months ago
  • This packages contains a list and tab form of ApplicationLinks, to be used in horizontal and vertical display styles. Selection is managed by react-router.

    published 6.86.1 4 months ago
  • A stateful component used to manage disclosure presentation.

    published 4.45.0 4 months ago
  • Houses the title of the application, along with a logo. There are two versions - a header version and menu version. These should be used with the corresponding header and menu layouts.

    published 3.47.1 4 months ago
  • A DisclosureManager implementation that presents disclosed content using a SlidePanel.

    published 5.107.1 4 months ago
  • The Aggregator provides focus-based mechanisms for managing actions across disparate components.

    published 4.79.0 4 months ago
  • Dynamically builds a react-hash-routed site based on site configuration, navigation configuration and component configuration.

    published 6.39.2 3 years ago
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