
Nicolas Serrano
  • All-in-one interactive command-line for interfacing with zkSNARK Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremonies

    published 0.0.0-e312890 a month ago
  • A set of actions and helpers for CLI commands

    published 0.0.0-e312890 a month ago
  • MPC Phase 2 backend for Firebase services management

    published 0.0.0-e312890 a month ago
  • MPC Phase 2 backend for Firebase services management

    published 0.0.0-49f0841 a month ago
  • All-in-one interactive command-line for interfacing with zkSNARK Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremonies

    published 0.0.0-49f0841 a month ago
  • A set of actions and helpers for CLI commands

    published 0.0.0-49f0841 a month ago