
Stuart Bowman

  • > [!IMPORTANT] > This is pre-alpha software! The first release of the new Satellite application stack will soon be ready (at which point this notice will be removed) but until then expect that things will be moved around, changed, and deleted without warn

    published 0.4.0 7 days ago
  • > [!IMPORTANT] > This is pre-alpha software! The first release of the new Satellite application stack will soon be ready (at which point this notice will be removed) but until then expect that things will be moved around, changed, and deleted without warn

    published 0.4.1 3 days ago
  • node is a project that runs as a node application anywhere, i.e. it's just a nodejs app that can run on your laptop or on a VPS in a datacenter, it doesn't matter

    published 0.4.1 3 days ago
  • > [!IMPORTANT] > This is pre-alpha software! The first release of the new Satellite application stack will soon be ready (at which point this notice will be removed) but until then expect that things will be moved around, changed, and deleted without warn

    published 0.4.1 3 days ago