
Yusuke Kawasaki
  • Timestamp for 64-bit time_t, nanosecond precision and strftime

    published 1.0.1 2 years ago
  • a dataset for testing msgpack library

    published 1.0.0 6 years ago
  • msgpack compatibility test driver

    published 1.0.0 6 years ago
  • Japan City Code Lookup / 1km grid reverse geocoding

    published 0.2.6 2 years ago
  • Japan Prefecture Code Lookup / 10km grid reverse geocoding

    published 0.2.10 a year ago
  • Japan Basic Grid Square Master CSV Data Parser

    published 0.1.6 2 years ago
  • Mirror from http://www.stat.go.jp/data/mesh/m_itiran.html

    published 0.2.2 2 years ago
  • Japan Post Zipcode

    published 0.2.6 5 months ago
  • Japan Postal Zip Code Lookup

    published 0.3.2 3 months ago
  • Msgpack Container Interface

    published 1.1.0 6 years ago
  • msgpack ext type container

    published 1.0.1 6 years ago
  • msgpack 64-bit integer container

    published 0.1.1 6 years ago
  • msgpack timestamp: ext type -1

    published 1.0.1 6 years ago
  • msgpack number container

    published 0.1.0 6 years ago
  • `sed` compiler for JavaScript

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • Safe async RequestHandler to catch Promise rejection

    published 0.9.0 2 years ago
  • Build Express middleware to intercept / replace / inspect / transform response

    published 1.1.0 2 years ago
  • Express middleware to transform response body

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • Express middleware to cache contents on file system

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • Testing Express.js RequestHandler middlewares both on server-side and client-side

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • Express middlewares to compress/decompress response with encoding: brotli, gzip and deflate

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • Express.js proxy middleware to pass requests to upstream server

    published 1.0.0 2 years ago
  • Layered Hybrid Web Server: local files, upstream proxy and content transform

    published 1.0.2 a year ago
  • Lightweight asynchronous task queue with cache, timeout and throttle management

    published 0.2.8 a year ago
  • Fast SHA-1 digest hash based on Uint8Array, pure JavaScript.

    published 0.10.7 a year ago
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