
Jonathan Chan

  • English | [简体中文](./README-zh_CN.md) # 🔬speedscope A fast, interactive web-based viewer for performance profiles. Supports import from a variety of profiles in a variety of languages (JS, Ruby, Python, Go & more). Try it here: https://www.speedscope.app

    published 1.20.0 4 months ago
  • Toolkit is an easy way to generate and use AI plugins. Generate code for LangChain plugins by just describing what they should do.

    published 0.2.5 a year ago
  • React components for creating A.I. chat and search experiences using using [Pal](https://www.pal.ai/). Use the Pal Dashboard to import documents and review conversations, then present a fully-customized front-end to your users.

    published 0.1.1 8 months ago
  • Install:

    published 1.0.36 8 months ago