A lightweight graphic library providing 2d draw for Apache ECharts
lego.baidu.com extension for edp
Fate 项目脚手架模板
EDP extension for Mobile project.
Rider 是一个基于 Stylus 与后处理器、无侵入风格的 CSS 样式工具库
RIA extension for Brand Ads Team
A JavaScript formatter
Enterprise Develop Platform
hello baidu
edp 的 rider 支持模块,为 webserver 和 build 命令提供了预定配置
Node runtime for Saber
lint your less code
html-code-gen ========
Minify font seamlessly, font subsetter, webfont (eot, woff, svg) converter.
lint your css code
edp-build with fontmin
Gulp plugin for minify TTF font to SVG, EOT, WOFF
edp-build iconfont with fontmin, generate iconfont from svgs.
lint your stylus code
Extension pack of ECharts providing 3d plots and globe visualization
WebGL graphic library
A fast, portable, flexible JavaScript component framework