
Michael Taylor

  • `<sp-checkbox>` allow users to select multiple items from a list of independent options, or to mark an individual option as selected.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `sp-textfield` components are text boxes that allow users to input custom text entries with a keyboard. Various decorations can be displayed around the field to communicate the entry requirements.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • An `<sp-dropdown>` is an alternative to HTML's `<select>` element. Use an `<sp-menu>` element to outline the options that will be made available to the user when interacting with the `<sp-dropdown>` element.

    published 0.10.1 3 years ago
  • An `<sp-action-menu>` is an action button that triggers an overlay with `<sp-menu-items>` for activation. Use an `<sp-menu>` element to outline the items that will be made available to the user when interacting with the `<sp-action-menu>` element. By defa

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `@spectrum-web-components/bundle` is a master dependency that allows a project to import any and all of the Spectrum Web Components. While it is a great approach to prototyping, the fact that is versions all of the Spectrum Web Components packages collect

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `sp-tooltip` allow users to get contextual help or information about specific components when hovering or focusing on them.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • A `<sp-actionbar>` delivers a floating action bar that is a convenient way to deliver stateful actions in cases like selection mode. `<sp-actionbar>` can be deployed in two variants beyond the default: `[varient="fixed"]`, to position the element in relat

    published 0.6.1 3 years ago
  • The `<sp-search>` element delivers a single input field with a "reset" button as well as a mangifying glass icon with which to power search interactions.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • An `<sp-avatar>` is a great way to feature a visual representation of a user.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • An `<sp-status-light>` is a great way to convey semantic meaning, such as statuses and categories.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • An `<sp-circleloader>` shows the progression of a system operation such as downloading, uploading, processing, etc. in a visual way. It can represent determinate or indeterminate progress.

    published 0.1.6 4 years ago
  • `sp-toast` elements display brief, temporary notifications. They are noticeable but do not disrupt the user experience and do not require an action to be taken.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `sp-theme` applies a Spectrum theme by using CSS custom properties to set default sizes & colors for all of the components in its scope. The Spectrum design system provides four color themes (`lightest`, `light`, `dark`, and `darkest`) and two different s

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • An `<sp-overlay>` element is used to decorate content that you would like to present to your visitors as "overlaid" on the rest of the application. This includes dialogs (modal and not), pickers, tooltips, context menus, et al.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `<sp-coachmark>` is a temporary message that educates users through new or unfamiliar product experiences. They can be chained into a sequence to form a tour.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • Deliver [Spectrum Workflow Icons]( as either:

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `sp-rule` bring clarity to a layout by grouping and dividing content in close proximity. They can also be used to establish rhythm and hierarchy.

    published 0.5.1 3 years ago
  • Deliver [Spectrum UI Icons]( as either:

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • Web component implementation of a Spectrum design Tags

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • An `<sp-underlay>` is used primarily in concert with elements similar to `<sp-dialog>` that lay over the rest of your page to deliver a blocking layer between those two contexts. See this element in action as part of the [`<sp-dialog-wrapper>` element](co

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `sp-dialog` displays important information that users need to acknowledge. They appear over the interface and block further interactions. When used directly the `sp-dialog` element surfaces a `slot` based API for deep customization of the content to be in

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • `sp-button-group` delivers a set of buttons in horizontal or vertical orientation while ensuring the appropriate spacing between those buttons.

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
  • An `<sp-bar-loader>` shows the progression of a system operation such as downloading, uploading, processing, etc. in a visual way. It can represent determinate or indeterminate progress.

    published 0.4.1 3 years ago
  • An `<sp-circle-loader>` shows the progression of a system operation such as downloading, uploading, processing, etc. in a visual way. It can represent determinate or indeterminate progress.

    published 0.5.0 3 years ago
  • The `<sp-tabs>` displays a list of `<sp-tab>` element children as `role="tablist"`. An `<sp-tab>` element is associated with a sibling `<sp-tab-panel>` element via their `value` attribute. When an `<sp-tab>` element is `selected`, the associated `<sp-tab-

    published 0.42.2 23 days ago
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