
Aaron Klinker

  • An opinionated CLI tool to run all your checks all at once. The command will only exit with code 0 when no problems exist.

    published 1.4.5 a month ago
  • Define and print an integer that can be used to seed libraries like [ChanceJS](https://github.com/chancejs/chancejs), [Falso](https://github.com/ngneat/falso), or [FakerJS](https://github.com/faker-js/faker).

    published 1.1.0 6 months ago
  • WXT module to enable React support

    published 1.1.1 2 months ago
  • WXT module to enable Vue support

    published 1.0.1 2 months ago
  • WXT module to enable Svelte support

    published 1.0.1 2 months ago
  • WXT module to enable SolidJS support

    published 1.1.2 2 months ago
  • Zero config CLI tool for caching and orchestrating builds in monorepos

    published 1.1.3 5 days ago
  • Add analytics to your web extension

    published 0.1.6 3 months ago
  • WXT module for automatically generating extension icons in different sizes

    published 1.0.2 2 months ago
  • Type-safe wrapper around browser.i18n.getMessage with additional features

    published 0.1.0 a month ago