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79 packages found
Get EPSG code from WGS84 coordinates
**DEPRECATED** use [swiss-projection]( instead
functions to calculate longitude & latitude (WGS84) differences per pixel
this is a tool for transform geocoordinate of wgs gcj and bd09
S-JTSK to WGS84 (GPS) converter
Read/write WGS84 coordinates in sexagesimal and decimal notation.
Utility to clean geojson files
convert osm tile values to wgs84 bounds
A Zero dependency ITM to WGS84 coordinates converter
Reproject geojson geometry from WGS84 to Spherical Mercator
A CLI version for coordtransform module.
Coordinate transformations between latitude/longitude WGS84 and OSGB36.
Find the geographic projection which best turns a given (X,Y) into an expected (lng, lat).
Convert easily between ITM (Israel Transverse Mercator) coordinates to WGS84 world geodetic system
This package gets a geojson with Lambert93 coded points, and transform them into WGS84 which is more standard (GPS)
`<mat-wgs84-input>` is a form control that allows users to enter latitude/longitude in degrees, minutes, seconds and direction. It is meant to be used inside of a `<mat-form-field>` element, and act similarly as other form controls.
a light-weight XYZ tile map viewer with a Canvas2D renderer
svy21 to wgs84 and vice versa