Search results
57 packages found
Validate that at least one of a group of fields has a value.
Validity validator which calls a subsequent validator if a value is truthy
Simple, powerful and flexible model-based Vue.js validation library
Password strength checker
Validity style validator to ensure that required image crops are selected with an image widget array
a validity middleware for
Validation library for forms
Validity style validator to ensure a property is equal to some primitive value
Validity style validator to ensure a property is alphanumeric
Validity style validator to ensure a property is either null or numeric (and not NaN)
Value OK? Shorthand validity check.
A list of the keys on the ValidityState object for form elements
Validity style validator which extends url to allow for non-tld urls
Validity style validator to ensure a property is numeric and within an upper and lower bound
Validity style validator to ensure a property is a date within a given range
Test the validity of an email address