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Custom Template base on official redux+typescript
Redux + styled-components + eslint template for Create React App
Redux+TS template for Create React App
A Project Boilerplate Create React App Template for Creating EVM Dapps
The official React Boilerplate template for Create React App
Template em branco para aplicações web da Hi
The CRA template build with redux, formik, react-router and more.
The official template for Create React App.
The Redux, Material UI template for Create React App.
The official template used by SpaceDev 🚀 for Create React App.
Based on the Redux+Typescript ( template.
- react
- create-react-app
- template
- typescript
- redux
- reduxjs
- react-redux
- redux-saga
- react-hook-form
- axios
- yup
- material-ui
Um template para facilitar a vida de estudantes de desenvolvimento web front-end. Com esse template, seu projeto terá suporte ao ESLint para analisar erros no código seguindo os padrões do AirBnb, e junto com ele, o formatador Prettier para que ganhemos q
- axios
- create-react-app
- commitzen
- eslint
- javascript
- jsx
- prettier
- prop-types
- react
- react-redux
- react-router-dom
- redux
- reduxjs
- template
CRA plus typescript, redux, redux-saga, redux-toolkit, styled-components and webpack
Template em branco para aplicações web da Hi em typescript
The official template for Create React App.
Based off official React Boilerplate template for Create React App
React Redux react-redux sass
A Moralis template for Create React App.
The extension of official Redux+TS template with react-router for Create React App