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Helper library for create CSV file in Angular
A simple way to convert a CSV file into an array
Convert files to PDF.
85 MB LibreOffice to fit insidefirebase compressed with Brotli forked from shelfio/aws-lambda-libreoffice
Easily create CSV data from json collection
- export-to-csv-file
- export-to-excel
- csv
- excel
- libreoffice
- openoffice
- angular2
- typescript
- react
- ngx
- angular4
- angular5
Helper library for create CSV file in Angular 5
Build apps with the power of Electron AND LibreOffice
Helper library for create CSV file in Angular 16
A powerful Node.js package for converting files between various formats, splitting and merging files, and automating complex file operations. Backed by LibreOffice and Python, this tool makes file processing seamless for developers.
> Generate CSV files with single line of code!
- angular
- angular6
- ngx
- angular 2+
- CSV to excel
- JS to CSV
- export-to-csv
- export-to-excel
- csv
- excel
- libreoffice
- openoffice
A simple and fast node.js module for converting office documents to different formats
> Helper library for create CSV file in Angular 6
- angular2
- angular4
- angular5
- angular6
- angular-2
- angular-4
- angular-5
- angular-6
- export-to-csv
- export-to-excel
- csv
- excel
- libreoffice
- openoffice
Easily create CSV data from json collection
This plugin for Etherpad-Lite exports pad in a document (.odt, .doc, .pdf), with images for embedded pictures. Use the 'soffice' command. Only tested on Linux for now. BETA VERSION.
xlscTemplater is a library that generates xlsx documents from an xlsx template by replacing pre-defined {placeholders}. It supports loop conditions, as well as the insertion of images and QR codes. The library is capable of producing output in xlsx/pdf fo
LibreOffice document converter
92 MB LibreOffice to fit inside AWS Lambda compressed with Brotli
Node.js converter plugin for StarView Metafiles
85 MB LibreOffice to fit inside AWS Lambda compressed with Brotli