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Fake HTTP injection library
Swizzle a little something into your require() calls.
Scan modules for global variables and injects `import` statements where necessary
Inject style tag to document head.
Proxies nodejs require in order to allow overriding dependencies during testing.
A tiny (399B) utility that converts route patterns into RegExp. Limited alternative to `path-to-regexp` 🙇
injects a #define statement into a shader source
insert a string of css into the <head>
angular window inject token
CSS processor resources loader for webpack
Maxstache transform stream
Simple, intuitive mocking of Node.js modules.
safely inject a block of tokens into a shader
React library to safely render HTML, filter attributes, autowrap text, autolink, and much more.
- interweave
- inject
- interpolate
- react
- string
- component
- element
- matcher
- filter
- clean
- url
- autolink
- emoji
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Type safe dependency injection framework for TypeScript
Replace SVG images with inline SVG element
lets you define html tags to inject with html-webpack-plugin
A javascript, stylesheet and webcomponent injection plugin for Gulp, i.e. inject file references into your index.html
Inject css at the top of chunk file in lib mode using `import` statement, support multiple entries.
Advanced dependency mocking device.
- es6
- require
- dependency
- injection
- dependency injection
- mock dependency
- di
- inject
- swap
- test
- mock
- mockery
- proxyquire