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93 packages found
A collection of One Components built with React.
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.
A skyi está disponibilizando esta biblioteca de componentes frontend, que oferece uma base sólida e consistente para projetos futuros. Com componentes reutilizáveis e padronizados, garantimos a uniformidade visual e funcional em todos os projetos, promove
implementing JDBC operations on MySQL databases in a node environment
A simple implementation of Data Structures in JavaScript
NDS Filesystem reading and parsing library
<p align="center"> <img src="" alt="Logo" width="450"> </p>
DatashieldAI is an innovative, AI-driven post-quantum encryption technology that facilitates the automation of keyless encryption and decryption of data. It utilizes a unique encryption approach, which involves wrapping the encryption around the malware p
The `ds-nodejs-validation` package provides simple validation capabilities for Node.js applications. It can be easily installed using npm:
A collection of data structures for JavaScript and TypeScript
this jQuery plugin to enable multi-select functionality for items in a list.
This template should help get you started developing with Vue 3 in Vite.
EMCAScript Standard Template Library
Node data structures and algorithms
The buildo DS
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