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173 packages found
Generate webfonts from SVG icons for your brunch project
A tiny wrapper to ease the use of Bootstrap 3 on Vue-based apps
Loads jade templets into an angular service
Brunch plugin for compiling Ember templates to Ember-CLI compatible ES6 modules.
Brunch plugin for gql/graphql-tag so that you can require .graphql files. Rough but works
Patches railway app to became Brunch's server when included as a Brunch project deps.
Skeleton for Brunch for a client website by Bryan Redeagle. Uses yarn (preferably), brunch, loadCSS, criticalcss, and a custom CSS framework called Lucky.
Adds static underscore templates support to brunch without wrapping the output in modules of type commonjs/amd.
A Brunch skeleton for developing clean Ember applications with CoffeeScript, Stylus, Twitter Bootstrap and Font Awesome
Gulp plugin to combine files into a module system. Great for creating browser compatible releases of Node.js libraries
Gulp plugin to create a file stream of required sources
Renders all pages of given Sitemap with phantomjs and copys rendered HTML to public