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504 packages found
A small bundle of Flow Operations which enable interaction with the [OpenAI]( and [Stability]( API's.
Custom operation to send messages with Firebase
## Introduction
YouTube Video Player Interface using for Directus
Custom operation to send emails with Nodemailer
A Directus index operation for Flows
Typesense admin interface and basic operations
## Create sym link
Mistral AI chat API
Source plugin for pulling data into Gatsby from a Directus API.
An inline form interface for Directus
YouTube Video Player Interface using for Directus
Block-styled editor for rich media stories, outputs clean data in JSON. More info at
Generate a NanoID in your Directus flows.
LoopBack 4 connector for Directus
As the name suggests this extension will enable Randomized results mirroring the Directus `/items/:collection` endpoint.
[WIP] Toolkit to help you build your own custom extensions!
- TypeScript - Python Type Hints - OpenAPI Specification - More soon™
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