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5852 packages found
Babel transformer preset for React Expression Syntax
a plugin for a text flipping/rotating build in react function component
Initialize react-apollo v3 context with enzyme-context
A simple modal plugin for react projects.
Next.js Config Plugins
A simplified, expanded and unified NFC scanner plugin for react native.
stb plugin
A react-layout-core plugin, that turns evey layoutState item into a react-dnd DragSource
Vite plugin to statically extract metadata from component files and generate client-side route declarations
SlateJS State Logger.
SlateJS Toggle read-only.
_Effective ESLint Factory_ is used to create an efficient flat ESLint config based on the established configs and plugins from Airbnb, Facebook, Sindre Sorhus and many more...
Babel plugin to allow the use of "class" instead of "className" in JSX
Webpack plugin for generate config from .env file, replaceable by server runtime.
Storage is plugin that help to store data in the local storage, or retrieve data
simple redux middleware to let other middleware (plugins) dispatch actions with side-effects Edit