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126 packages found
Mock http requests made using fetch
Low-level HTTP/HTTPS/XHR/fetch request interception library.
Adds fetch() mocking to Storybook.js using fetch-mock
This is dev support mock RESTful API.
- express
- webpack-dev-server
- webpack-api-mocker
- webpack
- mocker-api
- mock
- mocker
- api
- fetch
- react
- create-react-app
- TypeScript
A swagger client generator for typescript
- rest
- client
- swagger
- open-api
- fetch
- data fetching
- code-generation
- angular
- react
- react-query
- svelte
- svelte-query
- vue
- vue-query
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provides native ESM import and globals mocking for unit tests
Caching mock fetch implementation for all runtimes and frameworks.
caching mock implementation for jest-fetch-mock
Mock @sanity-typed/client for local development and testing
Mock http requests made using fetch
🥯 The Bun fetch mocker with a hole lot of flavor.
Vitest wrapper for fetch-mock
A swagger client generator for typescript
- rest
- client
- swagger
- open-api
- fetch
- data fetching
- code-generation
- angular
- react
- react-query
- svelte
- svelte-query
- vue
- vue-query
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jest wrapper for fetch-mock
Easy Mocking of Node.js' own `fetch`
The `puppeteer-intercept-and-modify-requests` TypeScript library allows you to intercept and modify network requests and responses using Puppeteer. It supports modifying all network requests and responses. You can also apply delays, stream responses, modi
API Mocking and Testing Simplifier is a lightweight and flexible tool for mocking HTTP requests and testing APIs in Node.js projects. This package helps developers create API mocks for testing without hitting real endpoints, enabling faster and more isola