
0.3.15 • Public • Published

Zimbra Admin Api Javascript

Table of Contents


First, instantiate the wrapper.

As an Admin Account

var client = new ZimbraAdminApi({
  'url': 'http://zimbra.zboxapp.dev:8000/service/admin/soap',
  'user': 'admin@zboxapp.dev',
var callback = function(err, data) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
// "version"

As a Normal Account

You must use the correct url.

var client = new ZimbraAdminApi({
  'url': 'http://zimbra.zboxapp.dev:8000/service/soap',
  'user': 'normal_user@zboxapp.dev',
  'isAdmin': false


$ npm install --save zimbra-admin-api-js


You have to pass a callback to all the functions, that receives to params:

  1. error, if any
  2. data, if any

For this documentations callback will always be:

function(err, data) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);


If Zimbra returns an Error, the library returns an Error Object with the Zimbra Error information. For example, if you look for a non existing Domain:

client.getDomain('example.com', callback);
// Error: {status: 500, title: "Internal Server Error", extra: Object}
// Error.extra: {
//   code: "account.NO_SUCH_DOMAIN",
//   reason: "no such domain: example.com"
// }

Zimbra Resources

Zimbra Resources are the things you can manage, like:

  • Accounts, the email users,
  • Domains,
  • Distribution Lists,
  • CoS, Class of services
  • Servers, Zimbra servers

Common Functions

This are similar functions that you can call for all the Resources, so we grouped here for brevity:

Get a Resource

You can use the resource name or zimbraId:

client.getAccount('account@domain.com', callback);
// Account {name: "admin@domain.com", id: "eda93f93-ba26-4344-8ae0-1d03964b612a", attrs: Object}
client.getAccount('eda93f93-ba26-4344-8ae0-1d03964b612a', callback);
// Account {name: "admin@domain.com", id: "eda93f93-ba26-4344-8ae0-1d03964b612a", attrs: Object}
client.getDomain('domain.com', callback);
// Domain {name: "domain.com", id: "cc0fd82b-7833-4de2-8954-88eb97fb81e9", attrs: Object}
client.getDistributionList('list@domain.com', callback);
// DistributionList {name: "list@domain.com", id: "747972ab-a410-4f17-8d5e-db7be21d75e9", attrs: Object, members: Array[4]}

A successful response will always return a Object named after the Resource your are requesting.

GetAll and Search

You have the following functions:

  • getAllAccounts(query_object, callback),
  • getAllDomains(query_object, callback),
  • getAllDistributionLists(query_object, callback),

query_object is an optional Object that accept the following attributes:

  • query: An LDAP query or null for everything,
  • maxResults: Maximum results that the backend will attempt to fetch from the directory before returning an account.TOO_MANY_SEARCH_RESULTS error.,
  • limit: the maximum number of accounts to return ,
  • offset: The starting offset (0, 25, etc),
  • domain: The domain name to limit the search to,
  • sortBy: Name of attribute to sort on. Default is the account name.,
  • sortAscending: Whether to sort in ascending order. Default is 1 (true)
  • countOnly: Whether response should be count only. Default is 0 (false),
  • attrs: Comma separated list of attributes to ask for

Result as Object

If you need to get the result as an Object with the resource id or name as the Key of the object you need to initialize the Api like this:

var client = new ZimbraAdminApi({
  'url': 'http://zimbra.zboxapp.dev:8000/service/admin/soap',
  'user': 'admin@zboxapp.dev',
  'arrayAsObject': true,
  'arrayAsObjectKey': 'name' // By default is 'id';
var callback = function(err, data) {
  if (err) return console.log(err);
// Object {total: 261, more: false, domain: Object} <== Object!!


1. Get All Accounts without a query_object
// Object {total: 261, more: false, account: Array[261]}

The Result Object has the following information:

  • total: The total quantity of resources that you request can return,
  • account, An array with all the Accounts objects,
  • more: true if there are more results that.
2. Get All Accounts with limit and offset

This is useful if you are doing pagination.

var query_object = { limit: 10, offset: 2 }
// Object {total: 261, more: true, account: Array[10]}
3. Get All DistributionList for the example.com Domain
var query_object = { domain: 'example.com' }
client.getAllDistributionLists(query_object, callback);
// Object {total: 6, more: false, dl: Array[6]}
4. Get All Accounts with an email containing 'basic'
var query_object = { query: 'mail=*basic*' }
client.getAllAccounts(query_object, callback);
// Object {total: 29, more: false, account: Array[29]}

Server Operations


Do a backup <account> elements are required when method=full and server is running in standard backup mode. If server is running in auto-grouped backup mode, omit the account list in full backup request to trigger auto-grouped backup. If account list is specified, only those accounts will be backed up.

Full documentation: https://files.zimbra.com/docs/soap_api/8.7.0/api-reference/zimbraAdmin/Backup.html

The first param is the Mailbox Server. You need direct access to the 7071 port on this server.

const backupRequest = {blobs: 'exclude', secondaryBlobs: 'exclude', searchIndex: 'exclude'};
const accounts = ['account2@example.com', 'account1@example.com'];
api.backup("localhost", backupRequest, null, accounts, callback);
// {label: "full-20160830.222823.315"}

Get All Volumes

Get All Volumes from the server. This link has full documentation

The server param is the hostname or ip address of the Mailbox Server. You need direct access to the 7071 port on this server.

api.getAllVolumes("localhost", callback);
// { message1:
//    { id: 1,
//      name: 'message1',
//      type: 1,
//      compressBlobs: false,
//      compressionThreshold: 4096,
//      mgbits: 8,
//      mbits: 12,
//      fgbits: 8,
//      fbits: 12,
//      rootpath: '/opt/zimbra/store',
//      isCurrent: true },
//   index1:
//    { id: 2,
//      name: 'index1',
//      type: 10,
//      compressBlobs: false,
//      compressionThreshold: 4096,
//      mgbits: 8,
//      mbits: 12,
//      fgbits: 8,
//      fbits: 12,
//      rootpath: '/opt/zimbra/index',
//      isCurrent: true },
// }

Move Blobs

Moves blobs between volumes. Unlike HsmRequest, this request is synchronous, and reads parameters from the request attributes instead of zimbraHsmPolicy.

Takes the following parameters:

  • server, IP or hostname of the mailbox server. You need direct access to the 7071 port on this server,
  • request_object, Object with attributes to make the request.

The request_object has the following attributes:

  • types: Comma separated list of search types. Legal values are: conversation|message|contact|appointment|task|wiki|document,
  • sourceVolumeIds: A comma separated list of source volume IDs
  • destVolumeId: Destination volume ID
  • maxBytes: Limit for the total number of bytes of data to move. Blob move will abort if this threshold is exceeded.
  • query: An optional query to move only Blobs that match this query. For query syntax check this documentation.
const request_object = {
  types: 'all', sourceVolumeIds: '1',
  destVolumeId: '3', maxBytes: 100000
api.moveBlobs("", request_object, callback);
// {
//  numBlobsMoved: 0,
//  numBytesMoved: 0,
//  totalMailboxes: 376
// }

Batch Request Functions

With BatchRequest you can ask Zimbra to run multiple requests in just one call, and get the result in just one answer.

Every function here works for BatchRequest if you do not pass a callback. For example:

var allAccounts = client.getAllAccounts();
var allDomains = client.getAllDomains();
client.makeBatchRequest([allAccounts, allDomains], callback);
// Object {SearchDirectoryResponse: Array[2], _jsns: "urn:zimbra"}
// SearchDirectoryResponse[0].account, SearchDirectoryResponse[1].domain
client.makeBatchRequest([allAccounts, allDomains], callback, {onError: 'continue'});
// By default is {onError: 'stop'}

Count Accounts for several Domains

Pass an array of domains ids or names and you get back an array of countAccounts responses objects. The response arrays has the same order of the request array:

var domains = ['zboxapp.com', 'example.com', 'zboxnow.com'];
client.batchCountAccounts(domains, callback);
// [Object, Object];

Creating Resources

The methods are:

  • createAccount('email_address', password, zimbra_attributes, callback),
  • createDomain('domain_name', zimbra_attributes, callback),
  • createDistributionList('email_address', zimbra_attributes, callback)


1. Create an account

Always have to pass an email_address and a password:

var zimbra_attributes = {};
client.createAccount('user1@example.com', 'SuP3rS3cur3P4ss', zimbra_attributes, callback);
// Account {name: "user1@example.com", id: "1919c856-08cc-43c9-b927-0c4cf88f50c7", attrs: Object}

We are making zimbra_attributes and empty object, because we are not passing any attributes. If everything goes OK you get the created Object as a result.

2. Create an account with a invalid Email Address

Check the space between user and 1@example.com

var zimbra_attributes = {};
client.createAccount('user 1@example.com', 'SuP3rS3cur3P4ss', zimbra_attributes, callback);
// Error {status: 500, title: "Internal Server Error", extra: Object}
// Error.extra {
//  code: "service.INVALID_REQUEST",
//  reason: "invalid request: invalid email address"
// }

You get an Error Object with the reason of the failure.

3. Create an Account with some attributes

zimbra_attributes must be an Object, that can be empty, that should have valid Zimbra attributes for the Resource being created.

In this example we are creating an account with the following attributes:

  • First Name (givenName),
  • Last Name (sn), and
  • A Mail Quota of 50GB (zimbraMailQuota)
var zimbra_attributes = {
  givenName: 'John',
  sn: 'Smith',
  zimbraMailQuota: 53687091200
client.createAccount('user@example.com', 'SuP3rS3cur3P4ss', zimbra_attributes, callback);
// Account {name: "user@example.com", id: "1919c856-08cc-43c9-b927-0c4cf88f50c7", attrs: Object}

Modify Resources

For updating resources you have to use the ZimbraId

  • modifyAccount(zimbra_id, attributes, callback),
  • modifyDomain(zimbra_id, attributes, callback),
  • modifyDistributionList(zimbra_id, attributes, callback)

For example:

// Attributes to modify
var zimbra_attributes = {
  givenName: 'Tom',
  sn: 'Hanks'
// user@example.com
var zimbraId = "1919c856-08cc-43c9-b927-0c4cf88f50c7";
client.modifyAccount(zimbraId, zimbra_attributes, callback);
// Account {name: "user@example.com", id: "1919c856-08cc-43c9-b927-0c4cf88f50c7", attrs: Object}
// attrs.sn = 'Hanks'
// attrs.givenName = 'Tom'

Remove Resources

For deleting resources you have to use the ZimbraId

  • removeAccount(zimbra_id, callback),
  • removeDomain(zimbra_id, callback),
  • removeDistributionList(zimbra_id, callback)

For example:

// user@example.com
var zimbraId = "1919c856-08cc-43c9-b927-0c4cf88f50c7";
client.removeAccount(zimbraId, callback);
  • If everything goes OK you receive nothing as result.
  • You can't delete a Domain that is not empty. If it has any Account or DistributionList, You have to delete those first.


Set Password

account.setPassword(password, callback);
// {} if OK
// Error if not OK

Enable and Disable Archive

Only Zimbra Network Edition

You must pass a COS Name or CosID as firt params

account.enableArchiving('default', callback);
// Account {}
// account.archiveEnabled === true;
// Account {}
// account.archiveEnabled === false;

Get Account Membership

Get distribution lists an account is a member of.

client.getAccountMembership(account, callback);
// [DistributionList, DistributionList, ...]
// Or as a method of the account
// [DistributionList, DistributionList, ...]

Get Mailbox

// Object { mbxid: Mailbox ID, size: Quota Used}

Get Mailbox Size

// Returns a Integer represeting Bytes


account.rename('new_name@example.com', callback);
// account Object

Account Alias

The alias must be an email with Domain in Zimbra.

account.addAccountAlias(alias, callback);
// Empty {} if everything goes Ok
account.removeAccountAlias(alias, callback);
// Empty {} if everything goes Ok

View Mail Path

This return an URL PATH to access the account Webmail as an administrator. The first parameter is the lifetime of the Token in seconds.

client.getAccountViewMailPath(account.name, 3600, callback);
// OR
account.viewMailPath(3600, callback);
// /service/preauth?authtoken=0_8c671f3146....&isredirect=1&adminPreAuth=1

Cos Name

The account only has the Id of the Cos, zimbraCOSId, but not the name. To get the name you call zimbraCosName on the Account:

// account is a Account, you got it from client.getAccount....
// professional
// An account without Cos
// null


This are functions especifics to Cos.

Get All Cos


Create / Delete Cos

To create a Cos

//Simple, without attributes
var attributes = {};
client.createCos("cos_name", attributes, callback);
// With attributes
var attributes = {'zimbraFeatureContactsEnabled' : 'FALSE'};
client.createCos("cos_name", attributes, callback)

To delete a Cos

client.deleteCos("cos_Id", callback)

Get Cos

client.getCos(name|id, callback);

Modify Cos

var attributes = {'zimbraDumpsterEnabled' : 'TRUE'};
client.modifyCos("cos_Id", attributes, callback);

Rename Cos

var newName = "basicv2"
client.renameCos("cos_Id", newName, callback);

Copy Cos

To copy a Cos with other name

var newCos = "Pro2";
client.copyCos(nameCos|idCos, newCos, callback);


This are functions especifics to Domains.

isAliasDomain & masterDomainName

These are properties, not functions.

  • isAliasDomain, return if a Domain is an Alias Domain.
  • masterDomainName, return the name of the master domain.
// true || false

// example.com

Count Accounts

Count number of accounts by CoS in a domain.

client.countAccounts('example.com', callback);
// Object { premium: Object, professional: Object}
// premium: {
//   id: _COSId_,
//   used: 50
// }

If you have a Domain you can call countAccounts(callback) on it and it will returns the Limit of Accounts for the Domain:

// domain is a Domain, you got it from client.getDomain....
// Object { premium: Object, professional: Object}
// premium: {
//   id: _COSId_,
//   used: 50,
//   limit: 28
// }

If the Domain is empty, no 'Accounts', the result will be a {}.


client.checkDomainMxRecord(domain.name, callback);
// OR
// Object {entry: "5 mailcleaner.zboxapp.com.", code: "Failed",
// message: "Domain is configured to use SMTP host: zimbra.zboxapp.dev. None of the MX records match this name."}

Add / Remove Admin

To add or remove a Domain Admin you must use the account.id. You should also specify the coses the Domain Admin can assign to the accounts of his domains.

const coses = ['default', 'test', 'professional'];
api.addDomainAdmin(domain.name, account.id, coses, callback);
// OR
domain.addAdmin(account.id, coses, callback);
// {} if Success
api.removeDomainAdmin(domain.name, account.id, coses, callback);
// OR
domain.removeAdmin(account.id, coses, callback);
// {} if Success

Domain Admins

Return an Array of the Domain Admins Accounts.

// domain is a Domain, you got it from client.getDomain....
api.getDomainAdmins(domain.name, callback);
// OR
// [Account, Account]

Distribution Lists

Return an Array of the Domain DistributionLists.

// domain is a Domain, you got it from client.getDomain....
// [DistributionList, DistributionList]

Distribution Lists


dl.rename('new_name@example.com', callback);
// dl Object

Add / Remove Members

dl.addMembers('new_member@example.com', callback);
// {} if Success
dl.addMembers(['1@example.com', '2@example.com'], callback);
dl.removeMembers('new_member@example.com', callback);
// {} if Success
dl.removeMembers(['1@example.com', '2@example.com'], callback);
// Return Error if any of the emails isn't a member

Add / Remove Owner

client.addDistributionListOwner(dl.name, 'new_member@example.com', callback);
// OR
dl.addOwner('new_member@example.com', callback);
// {} if Success
client.removeDistributionListOwner(dl.name, 'new_member@example.com', callback);
// OR
dl.removeOwner('new_member@example.com', callback);
// {} if Success

Get Owners

Owners are the Zimbra emails addresses that are allowed to send emails to the DL. If a DL has at least one Owener is a Private DL.

client.getDistributionListOwners(dl.name, callback);
// OR
// Array of Objects
// {name: 'email_address', id: 'ZimbraId', type: 'usr|grp'}

Add / Remove Alias

To set alias at DL .

client.addDistributionListAlias(dl.id, alias, callback);

To delete alias of DL.

api.removeDistributionListAlias(dl.id, alias, callback);


  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Commit changes to your own branch
  4. Push your work back up to your fork
  5. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes

NOTE: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!

Developer Machine

This repo include a Vagrantfile that setups a VM ready for development. This VM provision a Zimbra server with all the resources needed. So you need to install Vagrant if you haven't.

Also you need to install Ansible because we use it to provision the VM.

Once you have everything in place just run:

$ vagrant up
$ vagrant provision

And wait for it to finish.


You must write test for every feature that you add, otherwise we wont accept your Pull Request.

We are using Mocha and Chai for testing. To run the test just execute:

$ npm run test

Also we have Travis-CI that run the test for every Pull Request.




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