Wanted an easier way to create decorations in your console logs?? here at YeetDesigns we have got you
More functions and details coming soon!! please join our support server for when it has an update!!
const{BorderLinesStyle, Gaps}=require("yd-cdecorations")constblines=newBorderLinesStyle({Length: 20,Style: "="})constgaps=newGaps({Size: 2})console.log("Short:")// sends a 2 gap space in the console logconsole.log(blines.Short())// sends the border line as shortgaps.Send()// sends a 2 gap space in the console logconsole.log("Long:")// title of the border lineconsole.log(blines.Long())// sends the border line as longgaps.Send()// sends a 2 gap space in the console logconsole.log("Full:")// sends a 2 gap space in the console logconsole.log(blines.Full())// sends the border line as the number you set above