Yaml Front Matter
Parses yaml or json at the front of a string. Places the parsed content, plus the rest of the string content, into an object literal.
Breaking Changes
This readme is for the 4.x release, which introduces breaking changes. View the changelog for more information.
name: Derek Worthen
age: 127
email: email@domain.com
address: some location
- cat
- dog
- bat
match: !!js/regexp /pattern/gim
run: !!js/function function() { }
Some Other content
var fs = require('fs');
var yamlFront = require('yaml-front-matter');
fs.readFile('./some/file.txt', 'utf8', function(fileContents) {
name: 'Derek Worthen',
age: 127,
contact: { email: 'email@domain.com', address: 'some location' },
pets: [ 'cat', 'dog', 'bat' ],
match: /pattern/gim,
run: [Function],
__content: '\nSome Other Content'
May also use JSON
"name": "Derek Worthen",
"age": "young",
"anArray": ["one","two"],
"subObj":{"field1": "one"}
Some content
are required to denote the start and end of front matter. There must be a newline after the opening---
and a newline preceding the closing---
$ npm install yaml-front-matter
Use the -g
flag if you plan on using the command line tool.
$ npm install yaml-front-matter -g
Node or client with module bundler (webpack or browsify)
var yamlFront = require('yaml-front-matter');
Browser Bundle
The dist/yamlFront.js client script will expose the yaml-front-matter library as a global, yamlFront
. The client script for js-yaml is also required. May need to load espirma for some use cases. See js-yaml for more information.
<script src="https://unpkg.com/js-yaml@3.10.0/dist/js-yaml.js"></script>
<script src="yamlFront.js"></script>
// parse front matter with yamlFront.loadFront(String);
Note: yaml-front-matter is delivered as a umd package so it should work within commonjs, amd and browser (as a global) environments.
Running Browser Example
$ npm install --dev && npm start
Then visit localhost:8080
Building from source
Outputs build files to dist/
$ npm install --dev && npm run build
Running Tests
npm install --dev && npm test
Command Line
Usage: yaml-front-matter [options] <yaml-front-matter content>
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
-c, --content [name] set the property name for the files contents [__content]
--pretty formats json output with spaces.
Note The cli uses
and therefore will not parse yaml containing regexps, functions or undefined values.
# Piping content from one file, through yaml parser and into another file
cat ./some/file.txt | yaml-front-matter > output.txt
Yaml front matter wraps js-yaml to support parsing yaml front-matter.
loadFront(string, [options])
var input = [
'---\npost: title one\n',
'anArray:\n - one\n - two\n',
'subObject:\n prop1: cool\n prop2: two',
'\nreg: !!js/regexp /pattern/gim',
'\nfun: !!js/function function() { }\n---\n',
var results = yamlFront.loadFront(input);
{ post: 'title one',
anArray: [ 'one', 'two' ],
subObject: { obj1: 'cool', obj2: 'two' },
reg: /pattern/gim,
fun: [Function],
__content: '\ncontent\nmore' }
Front-matter is optional.
yamlFront.loadFront('Hello World');
// => { __content: "Hello World!" }
Content is optional
// => { __content: '' }
safeLoadFront(string, [options])
Same api as loadFront except it does not support regexps, functions or undefined. See js-yaml for more information.
The options object supports the same options available to js-yaml and adds support for an additional key.
: Specify the object key where to store content not parsed by yaml-front-matter. defaults to__content
yamlFront.loadFront('Hello World', {
contentKeyName: 'fileContents'
// => { fileContents: "Hello World" }