YACo - Yes Another COlor !
Change background / color / border on scroll and more !
Just a simple and light background/color/border changer jQuery plugin.
Author: Thomas Brodusch
1.1.0 "Ara Ararauna" - (13 november 2014)
## 1.1.0 - "Ara Ararauna"
- Optional linking colors to particular elements. When you reach a certain div, the background color change !
you can define a div by add in html markup of the specific div: 'data-yaco=true' (and associate a color) 'data-color-yaco="#22A7F0" '
- Load jQuery
- Load YACo.js
npm install yaco
- Define your "YACo div" (don't forget to set "data-yaco" at "true", and define a color of your choice in "data-yaco-color" !)
4.Let YACo do the rest !
default: (boolean) - Enable/disable default behaviour of YACo.
change: (array) - Apply the change on background/color/border
(ex:['background', 'border'])
colors: (array) - Pass the set of colors you want to use
(ex: ['#1abc9c','#16a085','#3498db'])
excludes: (array) - You want to excludes some colors
(ex: ['#1abcd4','#16a085'])
delay: (float)
(ex: 0.7)
transition: (string) - Css transition
random: (boolean) - You want a random set of colors ? Set it to true.
(ex: true)