Y2mate Download Scraper.
Example Downloader Video.
const { yta, ytv } = require('y2mate-js')
//ytv('youtube link','quality','y2mate server')
let youtubeaudio = await ytv('https://youtu.be/Ot7SeZvfBA0','720','id11')
creator: '@VihangaYT',
status: true,
title: 'Mod menus, how they work and how to make one w/ Cheat engine & Python',
thumbnail: 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ot7SeZvfBA0/0.jpg',
duration: '628 (10:28)',
channel: 'Kian Brose',
views: '296.303',
publish: '2021-10-25 (1 year ago)',
token: 'token-617719be7c217558678b457a',
server: 'y2mate',
data: {
filename: 'Mod menus, how they work and how to make one w/ Cheat engine & Python.mp4',
extension: 'mp4',
quality: '720p',
size: '54.6 MB',
url: 'https://rr10---sn-axq7sn76.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?expire=1682453456&ei=cN9HZMXHCYjX7ATMuo7ABA&ip= }
Example Downloader Audio.
const { yta, ytv } = require('y2mate-js')
//yta('youtube link','y2mate server')
let youtubevideo = await yta('https://youtu.be/Ot7SeZvfBA0','id11')
creator: '@VihangaYT',
status: true,
title: 'Mod menus, how they work and how to make one w/ Cheat engine & Python',
thumbnail: 'https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ot7SeZvfBA0/0.jpg',
duration: '628 (10:28)',
channel: 'Kian Brose',
views: '296.314',
publish: '2021-10-25 (1 year ago)',
videoId: 'Ot7SeZvfBA0',
token: 'token-617719be7c217558678b457a',
server: 'y2mate',
data: {
filename: 'Mod menus, how they work and how to make one w/ Cheat engine & Python.mp3',
extension: 'mp3',
quality: '128kbps',
size: '9.7 MB',
url: 'https://dl103.dlmate48.xyz/?file=M3R4SUNiN3JsOHJ6WWQ2a3NQS1Y5ZGlxVlZIOCtyZ0psOUZ4eWhVdEZMZ0hyb0k0blBDb0p0QUVPYWdkeHNHakg5b2YvVEhQT3NTRWV3S0l2WjF0VFgyRXZNRjJtamZLOHBwclhNZDJYeGo5MEsyVGp5VitoZ203YzhpZVU3NWZZWEpFczBGMzIzdldudGZOdGdEc3BuK280aCtsWVRSWjkya3RQckNDMTdCY2dsck9WZUhpOGJGVjR5dVBzZHhPMy8vQW1DcXd4cW91c2M1d1NrMTVkczBNajhLbmk2T1o4eDlNeG9zWjNIS25vZWVsRGNOa1dyYVhZekl0YjNKWXY3ZTZEMHRZM0RORC9HN20%3D'