
0.3.1 • Public • Published


Stability: 1 - Experimental

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xor-ack-dynamodb is a tracker mechanism inspired by XOR tracking in Storm. It can track multitudes of messages/events in ack chains and report whether or not all of them have been processed.

How it works

xor-ack-dynamodb uses properties of bitwise XOR operation to implement tracking functionality. Here is a quick overview of the relevant aspects of XOR. The XOR (^) operation has the following properties:

A ^ A = 0


A ^ B ^ C = B ^ A ^ C, A ^ D ^ B ^ A ^ B ^ D = 0.

Ack chain

Let's say that you want to do a word count, and you have a database containing text files that contain words.

database -> files -> words

Our approach will be event driven, so we will iterate through the database and emit a file event for each file we encounter.

          +-> 'file'
database ---> 'file'
          +-> 'file'

Another part of our computation will accept those file events and emit word events for each word encountered.

          +-> 'word'
... file ---> 'word'
          +-> 'word'

How do we track that a particular file has been fully processed when assuming that at each point the processing of any one of the words in that file could fail?

For every file, you can create a unique tag and a random xorStamp. We will then initialize an ack chain. Below example uses specifically crafted buffers for illustration purposes. In real use, you want to use a random Buffer, perhaps generated via:

const xorStamp = crypto.randomBytes(64);

In our example, we generate tag and xorStamp.

const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const XorAckDynamoDB = require("xor-ack-dynamodb");
const dynamoDB = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(
        region: "us-east-1"
const ack = new XorAckDynamoDB(
        partitionKey: "tagID",
        table: "my-table-name"
const tag = "database/file13";
const fileStamp = Buffer.from("29", "hex"); // illustration only (use random Buffer)
await ack.create(tag, fileStamp);

Next, each file is broken up into words. Here comes the tricky part. We are going to do a lot of things at once.

First, we already registered the start of file processing via ack.create(...), now, we will acknowledge finishing the processing of that file. To acknowledge, we will send the fileStamp again (remember A ^ A = 0).

Second, at the same time, we will acknowledge starting the processing of each word. Let's say we have word1, word2, word3. We will generate a stamp for each word, so word1Stamp, word2Stamp and word3Stamp. To acknowledge the starting of the processing we will send those word stamps to the acker.

Now, remember that A ^ A ^ B ^ C ^ D = 0 ^ B ^ C ^ D = B ^ C ^ D. More precisely:

const fileStamp = Buffer.from("29", "hex"); // we mark completing file
// 00101001
const word1Stamp = Buffer.from("25", "hex"); // we mark start of computing word1
// 00100101
const word2Stamp = Buffer.from("a9", "hex"); // we mark start of computing word2
// 10101001
const word3Stamp = Buffer.from("e9", "hex"); // we mark start of computing word3
// 11101001
const xorOfAll = Buffer.from("4c", "hex"); // // fileStamp XOR word1Stamp XOR word2Stamp XOR word3Stamp
// 01001100
await ack.stamp(tag, xorOfAll); // we stamp with just one stamp for all ops above

At this point, what happened inside of ack.stamp(...) is the XOR of previous state with the newly stamped one.

const previousStamp = Buffer.from("29", "hex"); // original fileStamp
// 00101001
const inboundStamp = Buffer.from("4c", "hex"); // xorOfAll from above
// 01001100
let currentState = Buffer.from("65", "hex"); // previousStamp XOR inboundStamp
// 01100101

So, we've managed to acknowledge multiple operations all at once, and we are still storing only the currentState.

Next, notice what happens as we successfully process each word.

let currentState = Buffer.from("65", "hex"); // currentState from above
// 01100101
const word1Stamp = Buffer.from("25", "hex"); // we mark finishing of word1
// 00100101
await ack.stamp(tag, word1Stamp);
currentState = Buffer.from("40", "hex"); // currentState XOR word1Stamp
// 01000000
const word2Stamp = Buffer.from("a9", "hex"); // we mark finishing of word2
// 10101001
await ack.stamp(tag, word2Stamp);
currentState = Buffer.from("e9", "hex"); // currentState XOR word2Stamp
// 11101001
const word3Stamp = Buffer.from("e9", "hex"); // we mark finishing of word3
// 11101001
await ack.stamp(tag, word3Stamp);
currentState = Buffer.from("00", "hex"); // currentState XOR word3Stamp
// 00000000

That's it. The XOR math works out really well for tracking these types of computation where one event generates multiple child events. This can keep going further down the chain as long as we acknowledge completing our parent processing together with initiation of any child processing. Despite all that activity, the amount of information we store is always one state per entire ack chain.

The above example used specifically crafted buffers for illustrative purposes. The real implementation uses random buffers. Additionally, the stamps need to be sufficiently large and random to prevent erronous acked events. Storm implementation found a 64bit random integer to be sufficient in practice.


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const assert = require("assert").strict;
const AWS = require("aws-sdk");
const crypto = require("crypto");
const XorAckDynamoDB = require("xor-ack-dynamodb");
const dynamoDB = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient(
        region: "us-east-1"
const ack = new XorAckDynamoDB(
        partitionKey: "tagID",
        table: "my-table-name"
const tag = "database/file13";
const fileStamp = crypto.randomBytes(64);
let stamp = await ack.create(tag, fileStamp);
const word1Stamp = crypto.randomBytes(64);
const word2Stamp = crypto.randomBytes(64);
const word3Stamp = crypto.randomBytes(64);
let newStamp = XorAckDynamoDB.xor(fileStamp, word1Stamp, word2Stamp, word3Stamp);
stamp = await ack.stamp(tag, newStamp);
newStamp = XorAckDynamoDB.xor(word1Stamp, word2Stamp, word3Stamp);
stamp = await ack.stamp(tag, newStamp);


const XorAckDynamoDB = require("xor-ack-dynamodb");
const errors = require("xor-ack-dynamodb/errors");
    await XorAckDynamoDB.xor();
catch (error)
    if (error instanceof errors.LessThanTwoBuffers)
        throw error;



Public API


Performs binary XOR operation across all stamps. Throws if buffer lengths are unequal or if less than two buffers are specified.

new XorAckDynamoDB(config)

  • config: Object Configuration.
    • dynamoDB: AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient Instance of AWS DynamoDB DocumentClient.
    • partitionKey: String Name of table partition key to use.
    • table: String Name of table to use to store ack chains.

Creates a new XorAckDynamoDB instance.

xorAckDynamoDB.create(tag, stamp)

  • tag: String A unique identifier to track this ack chain.
  • stamp: Buffer Initial buffer stamp to create ack chain with.
  • Return: Buffer stamp.
    • acked: Boolean false.
  • Throws:

Creates a new ack chain for specified tag.


  • tag: String Identifier of ack chain delete.
  • Throws:

Deletes ack chain specified by tag.

xorAckDynamoDB.stamp(tag, stamp)

  • tag: String Identifier to update.
  • stamp: Buffer Stamp to XOR with existing stamp.
  • Return: Buffer XOR result of stamp and existing stamp.
    • acked: Boolean Boolean true if XOR result is all zeros, false otherwise.
  • Throws:

Updates ack chain for specified tag by XOR'ing existing stamp with provided stamp.



Attempted to XOR buffers of different lengths. This is probably a programming bug.


Attempted to XOR less than two buffers. This is probably a programming bug.


When attempting stamp(), it means that the stamp stored in the datastore changed since it was retrieved by the module to perform the stamp() operation. This is a transient condition and part of normal operation. Retries should be attempted until success.


When attempting create(), it means that the specified tag already exists. This is probably a programming bug.


When attempting delete(), it means that the specified tag does not exist in the datastore.


Attempted to create or stamp an existing tag with a buffer that contains all zeros. This is a no-op and probably a programming bug.


Current releases.


We follow the semantic versioning policy (semver.org) with a caveat:

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

caveat: Major version zero is a special case indicating development version that may make incompatible API changes without incrementing MAJOR version.




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