A JavaScript Framework for formatting is like XML documents, such as XML, HTML, JSP, PHP and other. Compatible with Closure Compiler.
!!!Development version, not for production yet.
Demo of working on site: nodejs html, codewinds html, rbc rss.
Questions, Bugs, Feature requests:
All this you can leave in the appropriate section issues.
In browser:
XMLDOCFormatter can you use in browser for show unformatted text as formatted:
var xmldocformatter = ;xmldocformatter;xmldocformatterclear;
In streams:
XMLDOCFormatter has an internal memory in which it stores information about the last formatted block, whereby it is possible to format streams.
var xmldocformatter = ; var fileReadStream = fs;var fileWriteStream = fs; fileReadStream; fileReadStream;
XMLDOCFormatter is an object, so you can create multiple objects with different options and asynchronously to format multiple streams.
In nodejs:
XMLDOCFormatter can you use in konsole with node.js:
node xmldocformatter.js --source path/to/source.html --output path/to/output.html;
In web:
, chars bettwen symbol > and <, example \r\n.charsForTabs
, chars for tabs, example \t or " ".notPairedTags
, tags without closed tags, as array, example [link, br, img].isMultilineAttributes
, make attributes on multiline.
In node.js:
, source file or directory for formatting.--output
, output path for formatted file or directory.--streambuffer
, buffer size for streamreader.
Code Style
- Closure compiler compability,
- Using JSDoc for documentations,
- OOP oriented,
- All code checking by JSHint and JSLint.