
1.0.4 • Public • Published

Xbox One WebDriver Server

A WebDriver server for Xbox One devices, implementing the subset of the WebDriver protocol necessary for Karma. Add Xbox One devices to your Selenium grid!

Part of the Generic WebDriver Server family.

Supported Models

These tools should work on Xbox One, Xbox One X, Xbox One S, Xbox Series X, and Xbox Series S devices.

These tools will not work with Xbox 360 or the original Xbox devices.


To use these tools, you will need:

  • Xbox One (or One X, One S, Series X, Series S) device in Dev Mode
  • Windows 10 host
  • Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, Visual Studio 2017, or Visual Studio 2019
  • Windows 10 SDK w/ Universal Windows App Development Tools (UWP)

Dev Mode Setup

  1. To put your Xbox One device in Dev Mode, start with Microsoft's official docs on dev mode.

    However, if you find that the official setup never completes, you can try the alternate method for dev mode setup using a secret menu and button sequence instead:

    Settings > System > Console Info > Press LB RB LT RT > Developer Settings > Developer Mode

  2. Configure the device for remote access and set a username and password.

    1. From dev home, click Remote Access Settings.
    2. Check Enable Xbox Device Portal.
    3. Check Require authentication to remotely access this console.
    4. Click Set username and password.
    5. Set a username and password, which the WebDriver server will use to authenticate.
  3. Create a new test account or sign in with an existing account. Without an account, neither Microsoft Edge nor WebView will work for some reason.

    1. From dev home, under Test accounts, click Add existing or Create new.
    2. Follow the prompts to sign in.

Windows 10 host setup

  1. If you don't have Visual Studio 2015 Update 3, Visual Studio 2017, or Visual Studio 2019, install it now:
  2. When installing the Windows 10 SDK, check Universal Windows App Development Tools:
  3. If you have VS 2015 or VS 2017, or if you install Visual Studio in any unusual location, you may have to provide an explicit path to MSBuild.exe when you configure the WebDriver server later. (We have only tested the automatic configuration of the MSBuild path in VS 2019. See msbuild parameter described below under "Usage".)

Screenshot setup

Unlike many others, this backend does support screenshots. However, you need to configure the Xbox display settings to make sure the screenshots are consistent and correctly-aligned.

  1. From dev home, under Settings, click Launch Settings.
  2. Under General, click TV & display options.
  3. Under Advanced, click Video fidelity & overscan.
  4. Under Overscan border, uncheck Apps can add a border.


npm install --save-dev generic-webdriver-server xbox-one-webdriver-server


First, please refer to the "Setup" doc for Generic WebDriver Server. That will explain how to set up Selenium to talk to Generic WebDriver Servers, as well as how to set server parameters.

In the command-line for the Selenium node, set the following Java system properties:

  • We recommend the value "xboxone". See also notes in the "Setup" doc.
  • genericwebdriver.backend.exe: The path to the executable, such as node_modules/.bin/xbox-one-webdriver-server.cmd or %APPDATA%\npm\xbox-one-webdriver-server.cmd.
  • genericwebdriver.backend.params.hostname: The hostname or IP address of the Xbox One device, with optional Device Portal port number (default 11443). If omitted, this must be provided in the client's desired capabilities instead. (See below.)
  • genericwebdriver.backend.params.username: The Xbox One Device Portal username. If omitted, this must be provided in the client's desired capabilities instead. (See below.)
  • genericwebdriver.backend.params.password: The Xbox One Device Portal password. If omitted, this must be provided in the client's desired capabilities instead. (See below.)
  • genericwebdriver.backend.params.msbuild: The path to MSBuild.exe from Visual Studio. The server will attempt to locate this at typical locations on all drives. If that fails, this option becomes required. For Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017, this option is also required.

Supported parameters

This backend supports the following parameters:

  • hostname: (required) The hostname or IP address of the Xbox One device, with optional Device Portal port number (default 11443).
  • username: (required) The Xbox One Device Portal username.
  • password: (required) The Xbox One Device Portal password.
  • msbuild: The path to MSBuild.exe from Visual Studio. The server will attempt to locate this at typical locations on all drives. If that fails, this option becomes required. For Visual Studio 2015 or Visual Studio 2017, this option is also required.

How it works

See for details.

Tunneling to an Xbox One device on another network

See for details.

Using the CLI

In addition to running an Xbox One node in Selenium, this package offers a CLI for directing an Xbox One device to a specific URL. For example, if installed globally with npm install -g xbox-one-webdriver-server:

xbox-one-webdriver-cli.cmd ^
  --hostname= --username=myuser --password=mypassword ^

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npm i xbox-one-webdriver-server

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  • joeyparrish
  • theodab