Helper functions for node.js projects
- [X] base64
- [ ] string
- [ ] time
const {base64Helper} = require('ws-func');
base64Helper.stringToBase64('test string')
import base54Helper from 'ws-func'
base64Helper.stringToBase64('test string')
isBase64String(str) - returns true if given base64 string (not file string)
isBase64File(str) - returns true if given base64 string contains file with ext
stringToBase64File(str, mime) - adds mime type to given base64 string and returns base 64 file string
base64ToString(str) - decodes base 64 string
base64ToBuffer(str) - returns buffer from base 64 string
getExtFromBase64(str) - returns extension from base64 file string
saveBase64ToFileSync(str, path) - syncroniusly saves base64 file string to file
saveBase64ToFile(str, path) - asyncroniusly saves base64 file string to file
loadFileAsBase64(path) - asyncroniusly loads file data by given path and returns it as base64 file string
loadFileAsBase64Sync(path) - syncroniusly loads file data by given path and returns it as base64 file string
isNullOrEmpty(str) - returns true if string is null or empty
makeSlug(str) - makes url's slug from givven string and returns it
random(length) - returns alphanumeric random string with givven length
timestamp(diff) - returns current timestamp or current timestamp + diff seconds