TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.0.10 • Public • Published


Workercom makes WebWorkers enjoyable. Workercom is a tiny library (1.1kB), that removes the mental barrier of thinking about postMessage and hides the fact that you are working with workers. Rewritten and improved communication issues from Comlink

At a more abstract level it is an RPC implementation for postMessage and ES6 Proxies.

$ yarn add workercom

Notable difference with Comlink

  • Remove unnecessary Comlink.proxy function (Workercom will find functions, transfering and hydrate them)
  • Allows callbacks to be nested within objects
  • Allows the proto object to refer back to itself
  • Default conversion support for function, class, Error family, TypedArray family and OTHER

Browsers support & bundle size

Chrome 56+ Edge 15+ Firefox 52+ Opera 43+ Safari 10.1+ Samsung Internet 6.0+

Browsers without ES6 Proxy support can use the proxy-polyfill.

Size: ~2.5k, ~1.2k gzip’d, ~1.1k brotli’d


On mobile phones, and especially on low-end mobile phones, it is important to keep the main thread as idle as possible so it can respond to user interactions quickly and provide a jank-free experience. The UI thread ought to be for UI work only. WebWorkers are a web API that allow you to run code in a separate thread. To communicate with another thread, WebWorkers offer the postMessage API. You can send JavaScript objects as messages using myWorker.postMessage(someObject), triggering a message event inside the worker.

Workercom turns this messaged-based API into a something more developer-friendly by providing an RPC implementation: Values from one thread can be used within the other thread (and vice versa) just like local values.



import { wrap } from "workercom";
import Worker from "worker-loader!./worker.js";

async function init() {
  const worker = new Worker();
  // WebWorkers use `postMessage` and therefore work with Workercom.
  const obj = wrap(worker);
  alert(`Counter: ${await obj.counter}`);
  alert(`Counter: ${await obj.counter}`);


import { expose } from "workercom";

const obj = {
  counter: 0,
  inc() {




import { wrap } from "workercom";
import Worker from "worker-loader!./worker.js";

async function init() {
  const remoteFunction = wrap(new Worker());
  await remoteFunction(callback(value) {
    alert(`Result: ${value}`);


import { expose } from "workercom";

async function remoteFunction(cb) {
  await cb("A string from a worker");



When using Workercom with a SharedWorker you have to:

  1. Use the port property, of the SharedWorker instance, when calling Workercom.wrap.
  2. Call Workercom.expose within the onconnect callback of the shared worker.

Pro tip: You can access DevTools for any shared worker currently running in Chrome by going to: chrome://inspect/#workers


import { wrap } from "workercom";
import SharedWorker from "worker-loader?worker=SharedWorker!./worker.js";

async function init() {
  const worker = new SharedWorker();
   * SharedWorkers communicate via the `postMessage` function in their `port` property.
   * Therefore you must use the SharedWorker's `port` property when calling `Workercom.wrap`.
  const obj = wrap(worker.port);
  alert(`Counter: ${await obj.counter}`);
  alert(`Counter: ${await obj.counter}`);


import { expose } from "workercom";

const obj = {
  counter: 0,
  inc() {

 * When a connection is made into this shared worker, expose `obj`
 * via the connection `port`.
onconnect = function (event) {
  const port = event.ports[0];

  expose(obj, port);

// Single line alternative:
// onconnect = (e) => expose(obj, e.ports[0]);


Workercom.wrap(endpoint) and Workercom.expose(value, endpoint?)

Workercom’s goal is to make exposed values from one thread available in the other. expose exposes value on endpoint, where endpoint is a postMessage-like interface.

wrap wraps the other end of the message channel and returns a proxy. The proxy will have all properties and functions of the exposed value, but access and invocations are inherently asynchronous. This means that a function that returns a number will now return a promise for a number. As a rule of thumb: If you are using the proxy, put await in front of it. Exceptions will be caught and re-thrown on the other side.

Workercom.installTransfer(name, transferables) & Comlink.proxy

By default, every function parameter, return value and object property value is copied, in the sense of structured cloning. Structured cloning can be thought of as deep copying, but has some limitations. See this table for details.

If you want a value to be transferred rather than copied — provided the value is or contains a Transferable — you can wrap the value in a installTransfer() call and provide a list of transferable values:

import { installTransfer } from "workercom";

installTransfer<ArrayBuffer, string>("arraybuffer", {
  canHandle: (value) => value instanceof ArrayBuffer,
  serialize: (value) => [_arrayBufferToBase64(value), []],
  deserialize: ({ raw }) => _base64ToArrayBuffer(raw),

Removed Comlink.proxy(). This will happen automatically

// myProxy.onready = Comlink.proxy((data) => {
//   /* ... */
// });

// * And now

myProxy.onready = (data) => {
   /* ... */

See more default transfer

Transfer handlers and event listeners

It is common that you want to use Workercom to add an event listener, where the event source is on another thread:

button.addEventListener("click", myProxy.onClick.bind(myProxy));

While this won’t throw immediately, onClick will never actually be called. This is because Event is neither structured cloneable nor transferable. As a workaround, Workercom offers transfer handlers.

Each function parameter and return value is given to all registered transfer handlers. If one of the event handler signals that it can process the value by returning true from canHandle(), it is now responsible for serializing the value to structured cloneable data and for deserializing the value. A transfer handler has be set up on both sides of the message channel. Here’s an example transfer handler for events:

installTransfer<Event, {
   target: {
      id: string;
      classList: string[]
}>("EVENT", {
  canHandle: (obj) => obj instanceof Event,
  serialize: (ev) => {
    return [
        target: {
          classList: [],
  deserialize: (obj) => obj,

Note that this particular transfer handler won’t create an actual Event, but just an object that has the and property. Often, this is enough. If not, the transfer handler can be easily augmented to provide all necessary data.

Default conversion support for function, class, Error family, TypedArray family


Every proxy created by Workercom has the [releaseProxy] method. Calling it will detach the proxy and the exposed object from the message channel, allowing both ends to be garbage collected.

const proxy = wrap(port);
// ... use the proxy ...


Every proxy created by Workercom has the [createEndpoint] method. Calling it will return a new MessagePort, that has been hooked up to the same object as the proxy that [createEndpoint] has been called on.

const port = myProxy[createEndpoint]();
const newProxy = wrap(port);

Workercom.windowEndpoint(window, context = self, targetOrigin = "*")

Windows and Web Workers have a slightly different variants of postMessage. If you want to use Workercom to communicate with an iframe or another window, you need to wrap it with windowEndpoint().

window is the window that should be communicate with. context is the EventTarget on which messages from the window can be received (often self). targetOrigin is passed through to postMessage and allows to filter messages by origin. For details, see the documentation for Window.postMessage.

For a usage example, take a look at the non-worker examples in the docs folder.


Workercom does provide TypeScript types. When you expose() something of type T, the corresponding wrap() call will return something of type Workercom.Remote<T>. While this type has been battle-tested over some time now, it is implemented on a best-effort basis. There are some nuances that are incredibly hard if not impossible to encode correctly in TypeScript’s type system. It may sometimes be necessary to force a certain type using as unknown as <type>.


Workercom works with Node’s worker_threads module.

License MIT




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