
1.3.0 • Public • Published


Wordizer is a library for pluralizing and singularizing words in both English and Portuguese. It supports dynamic word transformations based on language-specific rules.


To install wordizer, use npm or yarn:

npm install wordizer
yarn add wordizer


Pluralizing and Singularizing Words

wordizer provides functions to pluralize and singularize words for supported languages. Here is an example of how to use wordizer with English and Portuguese:

import { pluralize, singularize } from 'wordizer'

const plural = pluralize('apple', 'en') // -> apples
const singular = singularize('apples', 'en') // -> apple

Contributing Adding New Languages

Wordizer on GitHub

To add a new language to wordizer, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new directory for the language (e.g., fr for French) under the root directory.
  2. Create a rules.js file and populate with the rules for the new language.
  3. Create index.js file in the new language directory.
  4. Initialize the inflector with the rules in the index.js file.

Here is an example of adding French to wordizer:

import inflector from '../inflector.js'
import { pluralization, singularization, uncountable, irregular } from './rules'

export const pluralizeFr = inflector(pluralization, uncountable, irregular)
export const singularizeFr = inflector(singularization, uncountable, irregular)
  1. Update the main index.js file to include the new language:
import { pluralizeFr, singularizeFr } from './fr/index.js'

export const wordizer = {
  // -------------------------------------------------
  fr: {
    pluralize: pluralizeFr,
    singularize: singularizeFr,
  // -------------------------------------------------

  en: {
    pluralize: pluralizeEn,
    singularize: singularizeEn,
  pt: {
    pluralize: pluralizePt,
    singularize: singularizePt,

export const pluralize = (word, lang) => {
  return wordizer[lang].pluralize(word)
export const singularize = (word, lang) => {
  return wordizer[lang].singularize(word)

Running Tests

To run tests for both English and Portuguese, use the following command:

npm test

Here is an example of the test script (wordizer.test.js):

import { wordizer } from './index.js'

const testWords = {
  en: {
    singular: ['apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'strawberry', 'grape'],
    plural: ['apples', 'bananas', 'oranges', 'strawberries', 'grapes'],
  pt: {
    singular: ['maçã', 'banana', 'laranja', 'morango', 'uva'],
    plural: ['maçãs', 'bananas', 'laranjas', 'morangos', 'uvas'],

const runTests = (language, wordizer) => {
  const { singular, plural } = testWords[language]

  console.log(`\nTesting ${language.toUpperCase()} Pluralization:`)
  singular.forEach((word, index) => {
    const result = wordizer.pluralize(word)
    const expected = plural[index]
    const status = result === expected ? '🟢' : '🔴'
    console.log(`${status} ${word} -> ${result} (expected: ${expected})`)

  console.log(`\nTesting ${language.toUpperCase()} Singularization:`)
  plural.forEach((word, index) => {
    const result = wordizer.singularize(word)
    const expected = singular[index]
    const status = result === expected ? '🟢' : '🔴'
    console.log(`${status} ${word} -> ${result} (expected: ${expected})`)

runTests('en', wordizer.en)
runTests('pt', wordizer.pt)


This project is licensed under the ISC License.


This package is a fork of the Pluralize and PluralizePTBR libraries. I have refactored it to create wordizer, enhancing its functionality to support both English and Portuguese with a modular approach for easy addition of new languages.

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  • mordzin