Quick and dirty wordlist based word generator for inspiration when naming shit
Works like the github repo name generator, making things like:
baroque-macrology-gophers naivest-jello-nastygram gunning-studly-quarters
install it
npm install wordgenerator
in your codes:
var WordGenerator = require('wordgenerator')
Now you can
new WordGenerator({num : 3, separator : '-'},function(err,words){
var randomWords = words
If you want to use it more than once, it's smarter to:
var generator = new WordGenerator()
That way the lists will be cached and all that goodness. Now you can
generator.generate({num : 3, separator : '-'},function(err,words){
var randomWords = words
The options can just be a boolean to take defaults, which are {num : 3, separator : '-'}
var randomWords = words
Add your own words from a file:
var wg = new WordGenerator()
wg.addFile(__dirname + '/relative/path/to/file.lst')
Words are stored on the generator, so go nuts:
However, the length is cached, so you must update it too.
wg.numWords ++
Hate my words? Well whatever, just clear them out and replace them
wg.words = ['coffin']
wg.numWords = 1
Now the only word it generates is "coffin", and calling it is a waste of cpu.