Look up words on wiktionary.org in English or any other language.
Use it programmatically with JavaScript to fetch JSON, or use the command line interface (CLI) to look up words from your terminal.
Programmatic Usage
Install it:
npm install wiktionary
Use it in JavaScript:
const wiktionary =
The result looks like this:
query: 'somatology' html: '<p> ...same as text but with markup preserved... </p>' text: 'English\nEtymology\nFrom soma (body) + -ology.\nNoun\nsomatology (usually uncountable, plural somatologies)\nThe study of the physical nature of human beings.\nDerived terms\nanthroposomatology\n'
If no result is found, null
is returned.
The default language is English en
, but you can specify a different language
with an optional secondar argument to the function:
For available language codes, see the List of Wikipedias.
CLI Usage
npm i -g wiktionary && wiktionary pomology
or use npx
$ npx wiktionary zymologynpx: installed 62 in 4.301sEnglish Alternative formszumology EtymologyFrom zymo- + -logy.Nounzymology A treatise on the fermentation of liquors, or the doctrine of fermentation.The science of or knowledge concerning fermentation.Translations Referenceszymology in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1914
npm installnpm test
- cheerio: Tiny, fast, and elegant implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server
- flat: Take a nested Javascript object and flatten it, or unflatten an object with delimited keys
- got: Simplified HTTP requests
- lodash: Lodash modular utilities.
Dev Dependencies
- jest: Delightful JavaScript Testing.