Lazy loading of modules in Node.js. If speed's your thing, this might come in handy.
Requiring a relative module on the same path.
// foo.js
module.exports.hello = function() {
console.log('Hello world!');
// main.js
var whenever = require('whenever');
var modules = whenever('foo', __dirname);
console.log(modules); // {} -> not loaded yet.
modules.foo.hello(); // requires and then prints 'Hello world';
You can also pass an array and pre-load more than one module.
var modules = whenever(['foo', 'bar'], __dirname);
Ok, now let's get fancier. Let's lazy-load all modules in a given path.
var modules = whenever('*', __dirname + '/lib');
If you need to use a npm/core module, you can also have it. Just don't pass the path argument.
var modules = whenever(['async', 'fs']);
modules.fs.readFile('/etc/passwd', function(err, res) {
// continue hacking the gibson.
$ npm install whenever --save
Written by Tomás Pollak. (c) Fork, Ltd. MIT Licensed.