A Comprehensive Guide for generator web platform. The following are assets.
- React Boilerplate containing Webpack, Gulp, React, Redux, Router, Immutable, etc.
- 基于 fis3 jQuery KnockoutJS RequireJS 搭建的前端开发框架,支持 ie7+
First, install weus using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g weus
Then generate your new project:
mkdir democd demo# 在当前目录下创建工程 weus init # 在新的目录中创建工程 weus init projectName
Install Dependencies
cd projectName # 如果执行了命令 weus init projectName npm install
Generate your module
weusg moduleName
Note: First, Assets support custom to create the module. The "moduleName" is you enter module name. After exec this command, it will create "react component", "redux action", and "redux reducer" etc. for "react-redux-router-base" asset.
Other Command
weus info <asset_name>
查看指定基础框架信息weus list
查看所有基础框架信息weus search [options]
Weus assets
You can view ths weus assets.
Help and Version
weus -v // Check CLI versionweus --help // Get help and check usage
Weus Development
npm run watch
npm run build
npm publish
npm publish