npm install wetbox
let WET = require( 'wetbox' )
Returns the current in-use version of the library
getUrl( url, callback )
Fetches an external API url (typically json) and performs callback( status, response ) when loaded.
Status being a nubmer (ie 400), and response being the data.
zeros( n )
Returns an array of zeros of lenth n
sequence( n )
Returns an array of numbers from 0 .. n-1
randInt( n )
Returns a random int from 0 .. n-1
clearEmptyElements( array )
Remove all zero and falsy values from an array
randomizeArray( array )
Returns array with random-ordered elements using the Fisher-Yates-Knuth shuffle.
leftPad( str, len, fillerChar )
Pads a string up to length len, with single-char: fillerChar (defaults to space character)
toRadians( x )
Convert x degrees to radians
toDegrees( x )
Convert x radians to degrees
hasDuplicates( n )
Returns true if array contains duplicates
choose( n, k )
The mathematical choose function. One-indexed
ithIteration( n, k, i )
Alias for ithCombination( n, k, i )
inverseIthIteration( n, combinationArray )
Alias for inverseIthCombination( n, combinationArray )
ithCombination( n, k, i )
Given a set of n
items, k
choices, and an index i
, give me a k-sized array of the ith combination. 0 <= i < n.
inverseIthCombination( n, combinationArray )
Given a number n
and combinationArray, convert the array into an ith ordering. k is infered from combinationArray
s length.
new THREE, gameTitle )
Given a three.js library let THREE = require( 'three' )
, initialize a basic game environment using threejs. ie in index.js
WET = require( 'wetbox' )
THREE = require( 'three' )
game = new WET.Game( THREE, 'Wizzy boi' )
lickers listeners
Window keyListen( isEnable, up, left, down, right, crouch, space, esc, tab, enter )
Adds some keyboard listeners to the page for typical game commands. All input params are callback functions, first 5 are mandatory.
enabled => { return true },
up => { console.log( 'up' ) },
left => { console.log( 'left' ) },
down => { console.log( 'down' ) },
right => { console.log( 'right' ) },
crouch => { console.log( 'crouch' ) },
space => { console.log( 'space' ) },
esc => { console.log( 'esc' ) },
tab => { console.log( 'tab' ) },
enter => { console.log( 'enter' ) },
keyUpListen( up, left, down, right, crouch )
Adds key-release listeners for switch-keys, all args are callbacks and always enabled.
releaseUp => { console.log( 'release up' ) },
releaseLeft => { console.log( 'release left' ) },
releaseDown => { console.log( 'release down' ) },
releaseRight => { console.log( 'release right' ) },
releaseCrouch => { console.log( 'release crouch' ) },
npm publish --dry-run
npm publish