
0.0.5 • Public • Published

#var FileFog = require('filefog')

There are many cloud storage options for consumers. However each provider has their own API and API design philosophy, making it harder for developers to easily integrate their applications.

The idea behind FileFog is to provide a single consistent, promise-based API for developers to access user uploaded data, without having to worry about differing OAuth implementations, base urls or data parsing.

T he FileFog philosophy is as follows:

  • Don't reinvent the wheel - if a native library is available for NodeJS, use it. All we need to do then is wrap the required methods to create a consistent user experience, and let the API designers themselves deal with most fo the implementation details.
  • Avoid Callback Hell - Javascript and most libraries built on-top of it heavily make use of callbacks. While this is perfectly fine for some, I prefer the Promise design pattern for its reliability, simplicity and synchronous feel when working with pseudo-filesystems.


Please note that this package is under heavy development, and the unified API may change unexpectedly. Once the API is stable, a version 1.0 will be released on NPM.


Initally FileFog will be rele ased with only support for the following popular Cloud Services.

  • Google
  • SkyDrive
  • Dropbox
  • Box.net

Providers for the following Cloud Services are also planned:

  • Bittorrent Sync
  • AnyCloud


var FileFog = require('filefog')

Quick Start

//This configuration should only be run once on setup.
    google : {
      client_key : '777041726477-a5o1tp6f3i9m1me3tj5vhpnrn1jge43c.apps.googleusercontent.com',
      client_secret : 'mWURYHmMKZxr6aeR7DTjRu-q',
      client_scope : "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive"
    skydrive : {
      client_key : '',
      client_secret : '',
      client_scope : "wl.basic wl.emails wl.offline_access wl.skydrive_update"
    box : {
      client_key : 'cch3sssk23ueqsbdh2k2zlv2i7rz06lp',
      client_secret : '6v7ywbCdut5FRdIjDeREofrFGc2ymGmA'
    dropbox : {
      client_key : 'sl47p7pijvtp73h',
      client_secret : 'j6vluc5yq7dxnj6'

//create a google provider and client using previously saved access_tokens
//call googleProvider.oAuthGetAuthorizeUrl() if you do not have access_tokens already.
var googleProvider = FileFog.provider('google');
    access_token: 'ya29.1.AADtN_W5vWUjYklaE_ZNkJBd2y9Ot60jF4SewLivnLgLHDYhmiadzbPPZntHmL4nceXs0w',
    refresh_token: '1/IMcWJR9KJPVguuKLUrHzMjRl-XECLf6mK2YoUYnbQaU'
}).then(function (client) {
    return client.GetFolderInformation();
}).then(function (response) {
    assert.equal(response.mimeType, 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder');
    assert.equal(response.title, 'My Drive');

FileFog Methods

##FileFog.getConfig() Returns the current FileFog configuration, including client_key, client_secret and client_scope for all cloud services.

Returns {Object} the FileFog configuration

##FileFog.setConfig(new_config) Extend the current FileFog configuration, allowing you to specify the client_key, client_secret and client_scope for all cloud services.

For some services, the only required properties are client_key and client_secret but some services may require you to customize client_scope as well. The redirect_url is optional and can be specified here, in the provider method, or using the RedirectUrlGenerator.

    "google" : {
        "client_key" : '777041726477-a5o1tp6f3i9m1me3tj5vhpnrn1jge43c.apps.googleusercontent.com',
        "client_secret" : 'mWURYHmMKZxr6aeR7DTjRu-q',
        "client_scope" : "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive"
        "redirect_url" : "http://www.example.com:3000/service/callback/google"


  • new_config {Object} The object that will be used to extend the existing FileFog configuration.

##FileFog.provider(service, provider_options) Returns an instance of the specified cloud provider.


  • service {Enum} This is an enum, the current options are "box", "dropbox", "google" or "skydrive".
  • provider_options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • redirect_url {String} Specifies the redirect url for this cloud service. default RedirectUrlGenerator()

Returns {null}

##FileFog.getRedirectUrlGenerator() Returns the RedirectUrlGenerator method that is used by the provider.oAuthGetAuthorizeUrl() method. If your redirect_url is not specified in the configuration or via the provider_options, this function should be overridden

var redirect_url_generator = function (service){
    var service_name = service.toLowerCase();
    return 'http://www.example.com:3000/service/callback/' + service_name

Returns {Function} A function that can be used to dynamically generate redirect urls for cloud services.

##FileFog.setRedirectUrlGenerator(fn) Sets the RedirectUrlGenerator method that is used by the provider.oAuthGetAuthorizeUrl() if a redirect_url is not specified.


  • fn {Function} The function to be used to dynamically create redirect_urls.

Cloud Service Provider Methods

##provider.oAuthGetAuthorizeUrl() Returns the URL of the third party service’s authorization page. This is the URL that your application should forward the user to in first leg of OAuth 2.

Returns {String} the authorization URL

##provider.oAuthGetAccessToken(code) Used to swap the code provided by the OAuth redirect webhook into an access token (and refresh token if applicable)


  • code {String} An authorization code you retrieved in the first leg of OAuth 2

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

  • access_token OAuth access token
  • refresh_token OAuth refresh token if available
  • raw the raw OAuth response, containing any additional data sent with the access_token

##provider.oAuthRefreshAccessToken(oauth_data) When applicable this method can be used to swap a possibly expired access_token for a new access_token using the refresh_token. In the interest of keeping a consistent API this method will pass-through the oauth_data without changing it if the api does not support refresh_tokens.

Please note, due to the way that certain API's work (re. Google) the result of this method call will extend the current oauth_data.raw object instead of sending back just the raw refresh_token data, to ensure that data is not lost.


  • oauth_data {Object} An object containing the refresh_token needed to generate a new access_token

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

  • access_token refreshed OAuth access token
  • refresh_token OAuth refresh token if available
  • raw the raw OAuth response, containing any additional data sent with the access_token

##provider.CreateClient(oauth_data) This is a wrapper for the client constructor. It provides simple access to the cloud service client


  • oauth_data {Object} An object containing the access_token needed to authenticate to the cloud API.

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into a client

Client Methods

##client.AccountInfo(options) Retrieves information about the logged in user.


  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.CheckQuota(options) Retrieves information about the logged in user's file storage quota.


  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.CreateFile(fileName,parentIdentifier, content_buffer, options) Use the file upload or create API to allow users to add a new file. Depending on the service the parentIdentifier should the destination folder identifier or destination path for the file . If the user provides a file name that already exists in the destination folder, the user will receive an error.


  • fileName {String} The name of the file to be created on the cloud service
  • parentIdentifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the file to be created or the identifier for the parent folder. Use null if the file should be created in the root cloud storage directory.
  • content_buffer {Buffer} the contents to be written to the file
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false
    • Dropbox Options
      • lastVersionTag {String} — the identifier string for the version of the file's contents that was last read by this program, used for conflict resolution; for best results, use the versionTag attribute value from the Dropbox.File.Stat instance provided by readFile
      • parentRev {String} — alias for "lastVersionTag" that matches the HTTP API
      • noOverwrite {Boolean} — if set, the write will not overwrite a file with the same name that already exists; instead the contents will be written to a similarly named file (e.g. "notes (1).txt" instead of "notes.txt")

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.UpdateFile(identifier, content_buffer, options) TODO: This method has not been implemented yet. Update and replace uploaded file content.


  • identifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the file to be updated or the identifier for the file.
  • content_buffer {Buffer} the contents to be written to the file
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.DeleteFile(identifier, options) Deletes a file. Depending on the service the identifier should the destination file identifier or full path for the file.


  • parentIdentifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the file to be deleted or the identifier for the file.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.DownloadFile(identifier, options) Retrieves the actual data of the file.


  • identifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the file to be downloaded or the identifier for the file.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.GetFileInformation(identifier, options) Used to retrieve the metadata about a file..


  • identifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the file or the identifier for the file.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.CreateFolder(folderName, parentIdentifier, options) Use this API to allow users to add a new folder. Depending on the service the parentIdentifier should the destination folder identifier or destination path for the folder. If the user provides a folder name that already exists in the destination folder, the user will receive an error.


  • folderName {String} The name of the folder to be created on the cloud service
  • parentIdentifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the folder to be created or the identifier for the parent folder. Use null if the folder should be created in the root cloud storage directory.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

##client.DeleteFolder(identifier, options) Deletes a folder. Depending on the service the identifier should the destination folder identifier or full path for the folder.


  • identifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the folder to be deleted or the identifier for the folder.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.GetFolderInformation(identifier, options) Used to retrieve the metadata about a folder.


  • identifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the folder or the identifier for the folder.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.RetrieveFolderItems(identifier, options) Used to list the files and folders inside a folder


  • identifier {String} Depending on the service,this should either be the path of the folder or the identifier for the folder.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters

##client.Search(query, options) TODO: This method has not been implemented yet. Used to find files and folders that match a query term


  • query {String} The string to search for; can be matched against item names, descriptions, text content of a file. Depends on the cloud service.
  • options {Object} (optional) one or more of the options below:
    • raw_response {Boolean} Specifies if the raw response from the cloud service should be returned, or if response transformation should occur default false

Returns {Promise} A promise that will successfully resolve into an Object with the following parameters


  • Search method
  • Update method
  • state - built-in state antiforgery token support.
  • transforms




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