
0.3.0 • Public • Published

Webpack 5 SSR Plugin

Key Features

  • Perform SSR Process During Development: This Webpack 5 plugin facilitates Server-Side Rendering (SSR) during development, enabling efficient server-side rendering of your web applications.

  • Static Page Generation with React SSR: Easily create static pages using React SSR (Server-Side Rendering) with the help of this plugin.

  • Versatile SSR Support: This plugin is suitable for various SSR use cases, including SSR in Express with React Hydration on the frontend, making it adaptable to a wide range of applications.



npm install webpackssrplugin

Update webpack config

const WebpackSSRPlugin = require('webpackssrplugin');
plugins: [
    new WebpackSSRPlugin(),


In your HTML file, add the following tag to incorporate SSR into your application:

<SSR src="./path/to/app/ssr.jsx" args="./path/to/ssr.args.js" wrapperClass="app" wrapperTag="div" />

This will:

  • compile ssr.jsx using esbuild
  • pass the output from ssr.args.js to the default export function of ssr.jsx bundle as a parameter
  • replace the <SSR /> tag with the markup build this way


Basic Vanilla JS example.

  • tag placed in the html file
<SSR src="./src/components/component.ssr.js" args="./src/components/component.args.js" wrapperClass="mb-2 p-4 app" wrapperTag="aside" />
  • source of component.ssr.js
const serverCall = async (args) => {
    return `<p>Hi ${args?.name ?? 'user'}!</p>`;

export default serverCall;
  • source of component.args.js
exports.default = () => {
    return {
        name: `JOHN`,
  • html output that replaces the <SSR />
<aside class="mb-2 p-4 app" ><p>Hi JOHN!</p></aside>

React example with hydration

A bit more complex example that uses fetch to get data from an API and pass it to the component as props.

  • tag placed in the html file
<SSR src="./src/components/Page/page.ssr.jsx" args="./src/pages/index.args.js" wrapperClass="app" wrapperTag="div" />
  • source of page.ssr.jsx
import React from 'react';
import {Page} from './components/Page';
import ReactDOMServer from 'react-dom/server';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

const serverCall = async (args) => {
    const requestData = await fetch(args.dataAPI);
    const data = await requestData.json();

    return ReactDOMServer.renderToString(<Page {...args} data={data} />);

export default serverCall;
  • source of component.args.js
exports.default = (envFile) => {
        path: envFile,

    return {
        dataAPI: `http://${process.env.APIHOST}${process.env.DATAAPI}`
  • html output that replaces the <SSR />
<div class="app">{<Page /> component SSR markup}</div>

Plugin options

  • ssrTagRegex - regex used to grab the tag to be replaced by the plugin. Default:
/<SSR (.+?) \/>/g
  • createDataProps - if set to true will add an additional atribute data-props to the output wrapper that will containt serilized arguments. Can be usefull for hydration. This can be overwritten by data-printdataprops="{true|false}". Defualt: false
  • verbose print additional debug output. Default: false
  • metaDisplay print esBuild metadata output. Default: false
  • metaFile store esBuild metadata output to file. Default: false
  • envFile this value will be passed as an argument to the default export from the file passed in args parameter. Can be used to require a different .env file depending on the type of build - development or production. Default: .env

<SSR /> tag attributes

  • src - path to the input js file to bundle and SSR
  • args - path to js file responsible for building the arguments
  • spreadArgs - if true it will spread the output of args object to separate attributes
  • esmFunction - when provided a function with that name will be called - this must me an async function from the export default. It also changes the bundle type from commonjs to esm if provided
  • wrapperClass - class of the wrapper tag
  • wrapperTag - tag type for the wrapper
  • data-printdataprops - if true will print the data-props - it can overwrite createDataProps setting


  • 0.3.0 - major changes:
    • add option to pick output bundle format: ES or CommonJS
    • make it possible to not specify a wrapper around output html
    • make it possible to pass multiple arguments to the SSR functions via arguments
  • 0.2.[5,6] - minor fixes
  • 0.2.4 - add envFile setting
  • 0.2.3 - minor fixes
  • 0.2.2 - add metafile display and/or file generation for bundle
  • 0.2.0 - add data-printdataprops attribute to override createDataProps for individual items
  • 0.1.2 - add args["_"], add verbose configuration option
  • 0.1.1 - update docs
  • 0.1.0 - fix naming conventionc, change chalk version
  • 0.0.1 - initial version


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  • marcinrek