
0.3.2 • Public • Published


This is a webpack plugin that will notify you for your build process. It is highly customizable and you are free to pass any valid note-notifier configuration.


  1. npm install webpack-build-notifications --save-dev or yarn add webpack-build-notifications --dev
  2. Add it to the plugins in the webpack.config.js file.
   var WebpackBuildNotifications = require('webpack-build-notifications');
   var config = module.exports = {
     // ...
     plugins: [
       new WebpackBuildNotifications(),

Config Options

Here is the full list of the supported configuration. You can also pass any valid node-notifier option, that may not be listed here. Just keep in mind, that not every option of node-notifier works in the Windows platform.


The notification title. Defaults to Webpack Build.


The absolute path to the project logo to be displayed as a content image in the notification. Optional.


The sound to play for success notifications. Defaults to the value of the submarine for mac OS and Notification.Default for windows. Set to false to play no sound for success notifications.

  • In Mac OS successSound can be one of these: Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sosumi, Submarine, Tink. If sound is simply true, Bottle is used.
  • In Linux OS there are no sounds.
  • In windows you can choose any valid option described here. e.g. successSound: 'Notification.Mail'


The sound to play for warning notifications. Defaults to the value of the submarine for mac OS and Notification.Default for windows. Set to false to play no sound for success notifications.

  • In Mac OS warningSound can be one of these: Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sosumi, Submarine, Tink. If sound is simply true, Bottle is used.
  • In Linux OS there are no sounds.
  • In windows you can choose any valid option described here. e.g. warningSound: 'Notification.Mail'


The sound to play for failure notifications. Defaults to the value of the submarine for mac OS and Notification.Default for windows. Set to false to play no sound for success notifications.

  • In Mac OS failureSound can be one of these: Basso, Blow, Bottle, Frog, Funk, Glass, Hero, Morse, Ping, Pop, Purr, Sosumi, Submarine, Tink. If sound is simply true, Bottle is used.
  • In Linux OS there are no sounds.
  • In windows you can choose any valid option described here. e.g. failureSound: 'Notification.Mail'


Defines when success notifications are shown. Can be one of the following values:

  • false - Show success notification for each successful compilation (default).
  • true - Only show success notification for initial successful compilation and after failed compilations.
  • "always" - Never show the success notifications.
  • "initial" - Same as true, but suppresses the initial success notification.


True to suppress the warning notifications, otherwise false (default).


True to suppress the compilation started notifications (default), otherwise false.


True to activate (focus) the terminal window when a compilation error occurs. Note that this only works on Mac OSX (for now). Defaults to false. Regardless of the value of this config option, the terminal window can always be brought to the front by clicking on the notification.


The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for success notifications. Defaults to the included ./icons/success.png.


The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for warning notifications. Defaults to the included ./icons/warning.png.


The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for failure notifications. Defaults to the included ./icons/failure.png.


The absolute path to the icon to be displayed for compilation started notifications. Defaults to the included ./icons/compile.png.


A function which returns a formatted notification message. The function is passed two parameters:

  • {Object} error/warning - The raw error or warning object.
  • {String} filepath - The path to the file containing the error/warning (if available).

This function must return a String. The default messageFormatter will display the filename which contains the error/warning followed by the error/warning message. Note that the message will always be limited to 256 characters.


A function to be called when the notification is clicked. By default it activates the Terminal application. (Does not work on windows)

The function's signature

   // other options
   onClick: function(notifierObject, options){}


A function to be called when the notification closes. By default it does not do anything.

The function's signature

//Configuration options
   // other options
   onTimeout: function(notifierObject, options){}


This package uses the node-notifier package to display the notifications.

Also this package is heavily inspired from webpack-build-notifier


Thank you for considering contributing to the webpack-build-notifications.


webpack-build-notifications is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

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  • antavelis