Web Error
Custom error object with code of http error
; // CommonJSvar WebError = default; const error = 404 'My message'; errorstatusshould;error instanceof Errorshould;error instanceof WebErrorshould;
; // CommonJSvar WebError = default; const error = 'My message'; errorstatusshould;error instanceof Errorshould;error instanceof WebErrorshould;error instanceof BadRequestshould;
; // CommonJSvar WebError = default; const error = 'My message'; errorstatusshould;error instanceof Errorshould;error instanceof WebErrorshould;error instanceof Unauthorizedshould;
List of all classes
Status Code | Constructor Name |
400 | BadRequest |
401 | Unauthorized |
402 | PaymentRequired |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | NotFound |
405 | MethodNotAllowed |
406 | NotAcceptable |
407 | ProxyAuthenticationRequired |
408 | RequestTimeout |
409 | Conflict |
410 | Gone |
411 | LengthRequired |
412 | PreconditionFailed |
413 | PayloadTooLarge |
414 | URITooLong |
415 | UnsupportedMediaType |
416 | RangeNotSatisfiable |
417 | ExpectationFailed |
418 | ImATeapot |
421 | MisdirectedRequest |
422 | UnprocessableEntity |
423 | Locked |
424 | FailedDependency |
425 | UnorderedCollection |
426 | UpgradeRequired |
428 | PreconditionRequired |
429 | TooManyRequests |
431 | RequestHeaderFieldsTooLarge |
451 | UnavailableForLegalReasons |
500 | InternalServerError |
501 | NotImplemented |
502 | BadGateway |
503 | ServiceUnavailable |
504 | GatewayTimeout |
505 | HTTPVersionNotSupported |
506 | VariantAlsoNegotiates |
507 | InsufficientStorage |
508 | LoopDetected |
509 | BandwidthLimitExceeded |
510 | NotExtended |
511 | NetworkAuthenticationRequired |