
2.2.0 • Public • Published


Attention: you need to have access to Apple Developer Program in order to use this library.

A distributable order package is a signed and compressed order ready for donating to Wallet. The order package you distribute contains the JSON description of the order, images, optional localizations, and a signature certifying the authenticity and integrity of the package.

To build an order package, you need to follow these steps:

(1) Create the source files for an order. //manually steps necessary

(2) Create an order type identifier. //manually steps necessary

(3) Generate a signing certificate. //manually steps necessary

(4) Create and write the manifest.

(5) Sign and compress the order package.

The library will support you especially in step (4) and (5).

Getting Started


npm i wallet-order-generator

This library is used to easily create a simple Apple Wallet Order object for import into the Apple Wallet. So far the dynamization is limited, this will be extended in the future.

This library distinguishes between static and dynamic components. To use it, two folders must be created in the root of the project - here are instructions on how to use this library:


Go to the root of your project and create the “model.order” folder.

A model contains all the basic pass data that compose the Order identity. These data can be files (icon, thumbnails, ...), or pieces of information to be written in order.json (Order type identifier, Merchant Identifier, colors, ...) and whatever you know that likely won't be customized on runtime.

order.json example

    "schemaVersion": 1,
    "orderTypeIdentifier": "order.com.test.example", //change necessary; follow the steps to create order identifier in apple developer portal
    "orderIdentifier": "example", //change necessary
    "orderType": "ecommerce",
    "orderNumber": "1",
    "createdAt": "1994-04-02T09:30:00Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-09-23T11:43:00Z",
    "status": "completed",
    "merchant": {
        "address": {
            "addressLines": [],
            "locality": "",
            "postalCode": ""
        "displayName": "display name",
        "merchantIdentifier": "merchant.com.example.test", //change necessary; follow the steps to create merchant identifier in apple developer portal
        "logo": "icon.png",
        "url": "https://www.example.de"
    "orderManagementURL": "https://www.example.de",
    "payment": {
        "status": "paid",
        "total": {
            "amount": 7,
            "currency": "USD"
        "paymentMethods": ["•••• 1234"]

Create order.json (i.e. shown example) and fill in with the basic information, that are orderIdentifier, orderTypeIdentifier, merchantIdentifier and all the other basic keys.

This excerpt is not complete. Further information can be found in the official Apple documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/walletorders/order

Following to this best practice, the package is named model.order. It will result in a folder reading error, if your model folder doesn't have it and no different file path is specified. In case a different folder name should be used, please add the file path as parameter named modelFolderPath to generate order function (see below in section Usage)


according to the official documentation, a folder must be created with the following name format:

[language identifier]-[region identifier].lproj

Example: en-GB.lproj - for Great Britian


[language identifier].lproj

Example: en.lproj

For information regarding language identifier and region identifier, please visit official documentation site: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/xcode/choosing-localization-regions-and-scripts

Please create the folder within template folder. Following to this best practice in the package model.order. Inside the localization folder, please create file order.strings, there will be all translation stored, which should be used for the order. The translation is simply stored as key/value pair:

"Bakery" = "Bakery";
"NutWarning" = "May contain nuts";

Localize an image by adding the location-specific image files to each localization directory. For example, to add localized versions of a merchant logo, add the English version of logo@2x.png and logo@3x.png files to the en.lproj folder, and the German version of the logo@2x.png and logo@3x.png files to the de.lproj folder. Reference your image in the order.json by the filename logo. Be sure to provide the same number of resolutions for each localization. The system will automatically identify which language has to been used - there are no manual steps necessary.

Important: Adding an image of the same name to the top-level folder of the order file overrides any localized versions.

For a complete example of localization usage, please jump to the bottom to the section "Localization usage".


Following to this best practice, go to the root of your project and create a folder named “certs”. In case a different folder name should be used, please add the file path as parameter named certFolderPath to generate order function (see below in section Usage)

Generate a signing certificate

To generate successfully an order, we'll need to obtain three elements:

  • Signer Certificate (Developer)
  • Signer Certificate Key (Developer)
  • WWDR (Apple WorldWide Developer Relations) G5 Certificate (visit Apple PKI Portal to download it)
  1. Create a new order type identifier (direct link) and provide it with a description and a reverse-domain identifier (starting with "order."). You will have to put this identifier as a value for orderTypeIdentifier in the order.json file or as a prop.

Excerpt from the official Apple documentation(https://developer.apple.com/documentation/walletorders/building_a_distributable_order_package):

An order type identifier is a unique identifier for your company or brand. Create your order type identifier in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles area of the Apple Developer portal:

  • Select Identifiers and then click Add (+).

  • On the next screen, choose Order Type ID and click Continue.

  • Enter a description, and the reverse DNS string to create the order type identifier.

Set the orderTypeIdentifier in your order.json file to the identifier. Set the orderIdentifier key to a unique order identifier. The order identifier, in combination with the order type identifier, uniquely identifies an order within the system.

  1. Confirm and register the new identifier.

  2. In the list of your orderTypeIds (filter), click on your new order id to edit it.

  3. Click on "Create Certificate".

  4. You can now follow the instructions, like providing the Certificate Signing Request required. To generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) through the Keychain Access.app, you can follow this guide created by Apple about the topic. Once done, you'll be able to download a certificate like order.cer.

  5. Once downloaded the certificate in .cer format, open (import) the downloaded certificate in macOS Keychain Access. Filter for "Certificates" and identify your imported certificate. Right-click on it and select Export "<certname>". Choose a password (and write it down) and you will get a PKCS#12 file (.p12).

  6. Open the terminal, place yourself where you want to save the files, and use the following OpenSSL commands, by changing the contents between angular brackets first. You'll have to choose a secret passphrase (and write it down) that you'll use also in the application. The first command assumes you haven't created the folder yet.

# Creating and changing dir
$ mkdir "certs" && cd $_

# Extracting key and cert from pkcs12
# <your-password> for -passin is the pass for the P12
$ openssl pkcs12 -in <cert-name>.p12 -clcerts -nokeys -out signerCert.pem -passin pass:<your-password>

# <your-password> for -passin is the order for the P12. <secret-passphrase> is the pass you'll pass to wallet-order-generator to decrypt privateKey.
$ openssl pkcs12 -in <cert-name>.p12 -nocerts -out signerKey.pem -passin pass:<your-password> -passout pass:<secret-passphrase>
  1. Take the WWDR Certificate you downloaded earlier and repeat step 6. Instead of exporting it as .p12 (you should also be unable to export it as such), export it as .pem and save it somewhere.

please note to keep the name equal, therefore in this stage the names are hardcoded:

Signer Certificate = signerCert
Signer Certificate Key = signerKey
WWDR = wwdr

project structure for setup:



There are three steps with two methods to create an order:

  1. Import wallet-order-generator and call orderGenerator.from(), this method will import the template from model folder from json named "order" (/model.order/order.json).
/** CommonJS **/
const orderGenerator = require('wallet-order-generator');

let orderInstance = await orderGenerator.from();
  1. In the example of orderInstance, now you can change any values dynamically which is included in the template. In the example below, the currency of payment is overridden.
orderInstance.payment.total.currency = "EUR";
  1. Last step is to put updated json into the method generateOrder together with the passphrase for the signer key certificate
let readStream = await orderGenerator.generateOrder(orderInstance, "123456789");

Another possibility to specify which png files should be included in the order. If the array is empty, all pngs which are in the model folder will be added to the order. Attention: Filtering out png files which does not match the name of given values in the array, are also taken account within localization folders (.lproj)! Be aware to include all images which are used in the order.json - otherwise it won't be a valid order!

let readStream = await orderGenerator.generateOrder(orderInstance, "123456789", ["icon.png"]);

To specify the file path to the model folder, add the 4th parameter type

let readStream = await orderGenerator.generateOrder(orderInstance, "123456789", undefined, './model.order');

To specify the file path to the certs folder, add the 5th parameter type

let readStream = await orderGenerator.generateOrder(orderInstance, "123456789", undefined, undefined, './certs');

Usage example completely

/** Node JS for providing order via webservice **/
router.get('/order', async function(req, res) {
    let orderInstance = await orderGenerator.from();

    orderInstance.payment.total.currency = "EUR";

    let readStream = await orderGenerator.generateOrder(orderInstance, "123456789");

    res.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/vnd.apple.finance.order');
    res.setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment;filename=example.order');

Usage example localization

  1. Set the value of a displayed string in order.json to a key, such as displayTitle for the title of an order.
    "schemaVersion": 1,
    "orderTypeIdentifier": "order.com.test.example",
    "orderIdentifier": "example", //change necessary
    "orderType": "ecommerce",
    "orderNumber": "1",
    "createdAt": "1994-04-02T09:30:00Z",
    "updatedAt": "2020-09-23T11:43:00Z",
    "status": "completed",
    "merchant": {
        "address": {
            "addressLines": [],
            "locality": "",
            "postalCode": ""
        "displayName": "displayTitle", //VARIABLE WAS PLACED HERE
        "merchantIdentifier": "merchant.com.example.test",
        "logo": "icon.png",
        "url": "https://www.example.de"
    "orderManagementURL": "https://www.example.de",
    "payment": {
        "status": "paid",
        "total": {
            "amount": 7,
            "currency": "USD"
        "paymentMethods": ["•••• 1234"]
  1. Add an order.strings file to the localization folder. Define the values for the keys in the English strings in en.lproj/order.strings.
"displayTitle" = "example order"
  1. Add a line to each order.strings file that sets a key you create in order.json to the localized term. Regarding to shown example in the bottom: define the values for the keys in the German strings in de.lproj/order.strings.
"displayTitle" = "Beispielbestellung"

Made with ❤️ in Moenchengladbach, Germany.

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