
0.0.12 • Public • Published

Vuestrap | Client Auth Support

Instant implementation of user authentication and authorization for Vuestack client apps (Vue + Vue-Router + Vuex).


Not ready for public use until version 0.1.0 - Syntax and logic are in frequent flux.

Table of Contents


What is a Vuestrap?

A Vuestrap is a Vue plugin designed to bootstrap Vue apps with robust, fully-operational application layers.

The plugins strap themselves across the full horizontal stack of the Vue anatomy: adding router logic, state management handling, application logic, data models, and components, allowing you to rapidly compose powerful Vue application boilerplates.

Client Auth Support

The Client Auth Support Vuestrap provides persisent user authentication and authorization sessions within a Vue client application.

If you want to support user auth for your isomorphic (server-side & client-side) application, use vuestrap-iso-auth-support instead.

[TBC - More Details]


The Client Auth Support plugin requires:

To harness the instant implementation of auth support, vue-router is needed:

If a vue-router instance is not provided when bootstrapping, or vue-router is not being utilized in your application stack, you can leverage the store API and data models to programmatically implement auth support.

How to Use


$ npm install vuestrap-client-auth-support --save

Bootstrap Your Vue App

import Vue from 'vue';
import store from './store'; // your vuex store instance
import router from './router'; // your vue-router instance
import ClientAuthSupport from 'vuestrap-client-auth-support';

Vue.use(ClientAuthSupport, {
  authenticator: <my_authenticator>,
  persistType: 'local',
  tokenName: 'user-auth-token',


The default namespace for the Client Auth Support store API is: auth.

However, you can set your preferred namespace when bootstrapping, using the namespace option.


The following options are available when bootstrapping the app.

Name Required? Description
store Yes The Vuex instance.
router No The Vue-Router instance. If provided, full auth support logic will be automatically configured. If a router instance is not provided, the store actions must be leveraged to implement auth support in your app.
authenticator Yes Compatible authentication logic (see Authentictors).
persistType No A string identifier, specifying the method of persistence to use for the token. Available values: 'local' (default), 'session', 'cookie'.
tokenName No The name to use for the persisted auth token. If not specified, the default token name used is user-auth-token.
directUnAuthedTo No The route name to direct un-authenticated traffic, when a route is guarded using the requiresAuth meta property. Default value: 'login'.
namespace No The namespace to use with the store API. By default, the namespace is auth.
logInit No Set to true to log messages on bootstrapping. Defaults to false.
debug No Set to true to log debug messages during utilization. Defaults to false.


Model Description
User Represents the active user and auth status of the active web session.


The User data model encapsulates the state and values of the user that is actively using the app. The Vuestrap creates and manages this model internally, whenever authentication and authorization occurs.


Name Type Description
model String The name of the model type (i.e. User).
is_anon Boolean Whether or not the user is acting as anonymous.
is_logged_in Boolean Whether or not the user is logged-in.
id Number or String The ID of the user.
external_id Number or String An external (third-party) associated ID of the user.
username String The username of the user.
email String The email of the user.
first_name String The first name of the user.
last_name String The last name of the user.
display_name String The display name of the user.
preferred_locale String The preferred locale of the user.
avatar_url String The avatar URL for the user.
avatar_thumb_url String A thumbnail version of the avatar URL for the user.
roles Array An array of role names granted to the user.


Name Parameters Returns Description
login (none) (void) A convenience method for setting the model to a logged-in state.
logout (none) (void) A convenience method for setting the model to a logged-out state.
hasRole roleName Boolean A convenience method for checking if the user has a specified role.
getInfo (none) Object Generates a light-weight info object describing the user.
toSession (none) String Generates a stringified version of the info object describing the user.
serialize (none) String Serializes the full set of user properties into a String, that is safe for HTTP transport.

User as Anonymous

The activeUser always returns a User model. When un-authenticated, the anonymized shape and state of the model instance will hold:

Name Type Value
model String User
is_anon Boolean true
is_logged_in Boolean false
id Number -1
external_id null null
username String null
display_name String 'Anonymous'
avatar_url String [TBD]
avatar_thumb_url String [TBD]



Getter Returns Description Example
pluginName String The plugin name/identifier. This value cannot be changed. this.$store.getters['auth/pluginName']
activeUser User The active user that is using the app. The user returned is never null. this.$store.getters['auth/activeUser']
activeUserToken String The active user auth token, obtained when a user has successfully authenticated. Returns null if an auth session has not been successfully established (or the active user is not logged-in). this.$store.getters['auth/activeUserToken']
isAuthenticating Boolean Returns true when the app is performing authentication. this.$store.getters['auth/isAuthenticating']
isAuthorizing Boolean Returns true when the app is performing authorization. this.$store.getters['auth/isAuthorizing']
isFetchingUserInfo Boolean Returns true when the app is fetching user information via the authenticator hook. this.$store.getters['auth/isFetchingUserInfo']


All actions are Promises, but not all actions are asynchronous.

Name Parameters Returns Description Example
authorize (none) { user: <the_user_model>, token: <the_auth_token> } TBC this.$store.dispatch('auth/authorize')
loginUser creds = { username: <username>, password: <password> } { user: <the_user_model>, token: <the_auth_token> } TBC this.$store.dispatch('auth/loginUser', creds)
logoutUser (none) { user: <the_user_model>, token: null } TBC this.$store.dispatch('auth/logoutUser')

Internal Actions

The following actions are available in the store, but are primarily utilized internally by the Vuestrap logic. Unless you are performing customized logic with the Client Auth Support store, you will not likely use these actions.

Name Parameters Returns Description Example
setActiveUser User (void) TBC this.$store.dispatch('auth/setActiveUser', user)
clearActiveUser (none) (void) TBC this.$store.dispatch('auth/clearActiveUser')
fetchUserInfo (none) { <the_user_info> } TBC this.$store.dispatch('auth/fetchUserInfo')


If a Vue router instance is provided to the Vuestrap when bootstrapping (i.e. with Vue.use), a beforeEach hook is registered that calls the authorize store action on every route transition. This enables the app to maintain its active auth session, so a refresh of the app will keep the active user logged-in and authorized.

If you want to enforce that a user must be authenticated (logged-in) in order to enter/view a particular route, you can use the requiresAuth meta property to enforce this policy.

For any routes with the requiresAuth guard attached, the authorize hook will check if the active user is logged-in before entering the route. If not, the router will forward the un-authenticated user to the route specified with the directUnAuthedTo option (by default the route is 'login').


new Router({
  routes: [
      path: '/',
      name: 'home',
      component: HomePage,
      path: '/',
      name: 'login',
      component: LoginPage,
      path: '/account',
      name: 'account',
      component: MyAccountPage,
      meta: { requiresAuth: true }, // the user must be logged-in to view



Name Props Description Example
local-account-login [TBC] Provides a simple username/password login box. <local-account-login />


Name Returns Description Example
login creds = { ...} Emitted when login submit is clicked. <local-account-login v-on:login="doLogin" />



For Developers

Dev Run

To provide a fully working Vue app environment to test and develop the plugin, a simple Vue application will build (the plugin & the app bundle) and serve when running:

$ npm run dev

By default, the development app environment will hot-reload changes and will run on localhost:3301.

You can change the configuration for the development environment via test/simulator/config.js.

Dev Lint

The plugin uses ESLint for source code linting. The linting will run automatically on git commit.

$ npm run lint

Dev Test

The plugin uses Mocha for the testing framework, and Chai and Chai-HTTP for its assertions.

$ npm run test

Dev Build

The plugin is automatically built on npm publish. But, you can manually build the plugin using:

$ npm run build-plugin



|M| manicprone




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  • manicprone