use videojs through vue async component, so you can load video.js and video.css when you really need it.
github for more details
npm install --save vue-videojs-async
// main.js Vue
// vue template
you can change src through change props, you can see a demo in test folder
{ thissrc = '' thistype = 'video/m3u8'}
change videojs source file path(cdn or your private source path)
the default path of videojs source file is '//' and '//' you can change the path(url) of videojs source file like this:
// ...
the default compName is 'vue-custom-videojs' you can overwrite it by give the forth parameter. asyncVideojsCompFactory will register a new async vue component, the new component named compName will load your custom videojs source files. then you can use your custom component like this:
// vue template
add plugins...