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Easier and more useful Vue event bus with zero dependencies. Features include expirable, lingering and catch-up async events and listeners, and a customizable atomic API.


  • stoppable events and listeners; stop an event from firing on other callbacks when it hits a specific callback or on the first callback
  • automated event management:
    • auto-removal of listeners on destruction.
    • expirable listeners that listen for a specified time before they are removed.
  • async/hookable events that get responses from listeners.
  • lingering events; these are events that are fired and used by current listeners, but wait for newer listeners until a specified time before being discarded.
  • multiple callbacks and events registrations:
    • handle multiple events with one callback.
    • invoke/fire multiple callbacks from multiple events.
    • register these using atomic statements.
  • doesn't pollute your Vue prototype


import Vue from 'vue';
import HookedAsyncEvents from 'vue-hooked-async-events';


Events management

This package aims to address the above features and avoid some thorny issues that other event buses have:

Standard event bus approach & its issues

To create a global event system the standard is to create an event bus:

    Vue.prototype.$eventBus = new Vue();
    // or
    export const EventBus = new Vue();


  • Major issue with using standard event bus is that it creates a new Vue instance with lots of unused methods and properties.

  • It is managed by Vue since it'll be a complete Vue component, thereby creating a lot of overhead. vue-hooked-async-events on the other hand creates a simple object containing awesome events-related functionalities that doesn't add any overhead or watchers/observers of any kind.

  • You can't quickly remove events by just writing this.$ to unsubscribe only this component's events. Even if it is typed it will remove all events it was subscribed to that have a common event type amongst components eg: this.$'some-event').

  • You have to make sure you manually remove events in the component you listen from eg:

    beforeDestroy() {
        this.$'event-one', this.methodOne);
        this.$'event-two', this.methodTwo);
        this.$'event-three', this.methodThree);
        this.$'event-four', this.methodFour);
        // ... and so on

So with vue-hooked-async-events you instead write:

Yes. Correct. Nothing. Plugin will handle all of this by itself, unsubscribing current component listeners in its beforeDestroy hook.


There are several methods used to manage events with super duper conviniencies like async events/listeners/callbacks.

Listening to events:

Listening to event or events:

  • most options can be mixed to get the desired behaviour
  • callback arguments: payload and listener options (used to add the listener)
created() {
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback);
  // send extra info to callback from where listener is invoked... 
  // callback should extract extra info. see corresponding callback below
  // instead of doing this.$onEvent('some-event', (pl)=>this.eventCallback(pl, {blah: 'bloh'}));
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallbackExtra, { extra: {blah: 'bloh'} });

  // listen once and remove
  this.$onceEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback2);
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback1, { once: true });

  // only allow this listener for this event on this component (any subsequent listeners are ignored)
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback1, { isExclusive: true });
  // or just replace any existing exclusive listener 
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback1, { isExclusive: true, replaceExclusive: true });

  // only continue after event has been emitted 
  // - callback doesn't have to be async or even defined, if so then it also awaits callback resolution
  // - isAsync for listeners is only available for onceEvent, otherwise use callback for continuous event handling
  let result = await this.$onceEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback3, { isAsync: true });
  result = await this.$onceEvent('some-event', { isAsync: true });

  // automatically stop listening after 5000 milliseconds
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback3, { expire: 5000 });
  // automatically run expiry callback function before unlistening after 10000 milliseconds 
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback3, { expire: 10000, expiryCallback: async ()=>{
    // do something that's even async it will wait for promise

  // catch up to an event that happened not more than 100 milliseconds ago (bust race conditions)
  // - (max 500 - change globalLinger option; see below)
  // - it doesn't have to be a lingered event
  // - lingered events impose a catch up on all listeners added within the linger time. see below 
  this.$onEvent('some-event', this.eventCallback3, { catchUp: 100 });

  // atomic listener API:
  // multiple events being listened to by one callback
  this.$onEvent(['second-event', 'third-event'], this.commonCallback);
  // fire multiple callbacks (even for multiple events)
  this.$onEvent('some-event', [this.eventCallback1, this.eventCallback2]);
  // here each callback will correspond to its respective event
  this.$onEvent(['second-event', 'third-event'], [this.eventCallback1, this.eventCallback2]);

methods: {
  eventCallback (payload, metadata) {
    // payload is the data being passed by the event or from previous callback listener in the chain of callbacks
    // for the event. EG: if this callback returns then the response is the next callback's payload.

    // metadata is information about the event and the listener itself eg:
    metadata == {
      extra: 'extra payload (not event related) from listener adding line',
      eventName: "some-event", 
      eventOptions: {/*opts passed to event*/},
      listenerOptions: {/*opts passed to listener*/},
      eventOrigin: VueComponent /*vue compo that emitted the event*/,
      listenersTally: 6 // number of listeners for this event

  async eventCallbackExtra (payload, { extra }) {
    // extra contains extra payload from where listener was defined if specified, see above. Allows for a more cleaner API
    // - passed to every event for the listener

  async eventCallback1 (payload, metadata) {
    // if you are going to return anything to event make sure you use 'isAsync' option and callback is async 
    return /*whatever response you want to return to the event only if it's async; see below*/

  async eventCallback2 (payload, metadata) {
    // you can get reponses from all callback this way in each callback
    // ... do whatever this callback does
    let newPayload = { blah: 'any new payload of any type for this callback to pass back'};
    return this.$chainCallbackPayload(payload, newPayload, metadata);
    // passed to the next callback as payload, and finally to the emitted event,
    // which can find all results in payload.$results$[]
    // do the above in every callback that will be part of this chain

  eventCallback3 (payload, metadata) {
    // you can also change how the event will behave by modifying the listenerOptions
    // - not all options are modifiable
    // eg: stop invoking any subsequent callbacks on the event
    metadata.listenerOptions.stopHere = true;

Emitting events:

Emitting events is simple, but this package takes it to another level of usability with async events, which are promises returned by eventEmiters for finer flow control on events as they happen and how they are listened and responded to.

  • most options can be mixed to get the desired behaviour
methods: {
  async fireEvents() {
    // send payload/data to listeners of 'some-event'
    this.$emitEvent('some-event', { test: 'one' });

    // fire event callbacks of a specific range (default is 'first-parent')
    this.$emitEvent('some-event2', { test: 'one' }, { range: 'ancestors' });
    // why? EG: Consider the following components hierachy all listening to the same event:
    //        grandparent=>parent=>child=>grandchild=>greatGrandchild
    // if event was fired at grandchild then all listeners from parent to grandparent'll handle event.
    // stop on the first listener callback (guaranteeing event is handled only once, by first listener)
    this.$emitEvent('some-event2', { test: 'one' }, { range: 'first-parent' });

    // use lingered events
    // Why use linger? bust race conditions. it doesn't matter how your order your events and listeners when using this
    // linger for 5000ms for new listeners on the event. Can't be async/expect any return values
    this.$emitEvent('some-event3', { test: 'one' }, { linger: 5000 });
    // only linger for at most 5000ms for one more listener. If linger timeout isn't specified then Infinity and isExclusive options are imposed
    this.$emitEvent('some-event4', { test: 'one' }, { linger: 5000, forNextOnly: true });
    // exclusively linger this event; no other events of the same event name ('some-event5') will be lingered until after 5000ms
    this.$emitEvent('some-event5', { test: 'one' }, { linger: 5000, isExclusive: true });
    // newer events will replace the older one though, keeping only one fresh event unless `keepExclusive: true` option is set
    // hint: this creates an event based state updated by emissions and read by listeners
    //  - may actually create an easy API around this ;D

    // get info from the last listener (this is where you MAY need to use reverse invocation order)
    const endResult = await this.$emitEvent('some-event', { test: 'one' }, { isAsync: true, range: 'first-child' });
    // isAsync option is required for events that expect a response

    // atomic emission API: unlike listeners only single payload is allowed here
    // emit multiple events, 
    this.$emitEvent(['second-event', 'third-event'], { test: 'payload' });
    // if async then the result will be array of promises respective of each event, we may use it this way eg: 
    await new Promise.all(this.$emitEvent(['second-event', 'third-event'], { test: 'payload' }, { isAsync: true }));

Event range options offer precise control over which listeners are invoked. You target them using tokens based on the hierarchic position/level of component that emits the event (event origin) (see above example).

Options are separated by a hyphen and constructed from the following tokens (eg: parent-descendents will invoke the parent and any descendents):

  • self: will only invoke listeners in event origin (component that fired the event). Every other token will begin from origin as well.
  • child or children: will invoke listeners that are below event, whether they are direct descendents of event origin or not. Note, this won't go all the way down, just the next level only.
  • descendent or descendents: will invoke listeners that are below origin, whether they are direct descendents of event origin or not. Note, this will invoke up to the last-most-bottom listener.
  • child or children: will invoke listeners that are below event, whether they are direct descendents of event origin or not. Note, this won't go all the way down, just the next level only.
  • descendent or descendents: will invoke listeners that are below origin, whether they are direct descendents of event origin or not. Note, this will invoke up to the last-most-bottom listener.
  • same goes for ancestors or parent... but in the opposite direction.
  • broadcast - invokes every listener listening for event regardless of location.

By level we mean the following. Consider there is a listener where there is an 👂🏽:

(todo need to use graphics here and cleanup docs)



Relative to origin, where event is emitted:

  • compo2 is level -1 and is parent(for the first one only) or parents (for all components on the same level but in other hierarchies.
  • compo1 is level -2 and is ancestor (for the first one only) or ancestors (see above explanation), but including all the way up to any listeners before it eg: compo0.
  • compo7 is level 1 and is child (for the first one only) or children (for all components on the same level but in other hierarchies.
  • compo8 is level 2 and is descendent (for the first one only) or descendents (see children explanation), but including all the way down to any listeners after it eg: compo10.

Remove Event Listeners

Removing event from events object for all listeners (example):

    methods: {
        dontWannaListenAnymore() {
            this.$eraseEvent('some-event'); // now no component will listen to this event
            this.$eraseEvent(['second-event', 'third-event']);

Remove Events manually (example):

    methods: {
        leaveMeAlone() {
            // nice, but it is also done automatically inside "beforeDestroy" hook

Remove specific callback for specific event (example):

    methods: {
        leaveMeWithoutSpecificCallback() {
            this.$fallSilent('some-event', this.specificCallback);

Remove array of callbacks for specific event (example):

    methods: {
        leaveMeWithoutSpecificCallbacks() {
            this.$fallSilent('some-event', [this.callbackOne, this.callbackTwo]);

Unsubscribe component from specific event or events

  • all component's callbacks for these events will be removed:
    methods: {
        notListenToOne() {
        notListenToMany() {
            this.$fallSilent(['some-event', 'another-event']);


  • renaming functions:
    • If you use some plugins, which have some conflicting function names (or you just don't like default ones), you can rename all of them according to your preferences. NOTE: use this feature at your own risk as it will warn you only for Vue basic properties.
  • default callback and event options
    "$options", "$parent", "$root", "$children", "$refs", "$vnode", "$slots", "$scopedSlots", "$createElement", "$attrs", "$listeners", "$el"
    import Vue from 'vue';
    import HookedAsyncEvents from 'vue-hooked-async-events';

    Vue.use(HookedAsyncEvents, {
        onEvent: '$hear',
        onceEvent: '$hearOnce',
        emitEvent: '$fireEvent',
        eraseEvent: '$deleteEvent',
        fallSilent: '$noMore',

        // default options that you don't have to set all the time
        // listenersOptions default = { 
        //  stopHere: false, expire: 0, once: false, isAsync: false, catchUp: false, trace: false
        // }
        listenersOptions: { stopHere: true, /*...*/ },
        // eventsOptions default = { 
        //   range: 'first-parent', linger: 0, forNextOnly: false, isAsync: false, trace: false 
        // }
        eventsOptions: { range: 'ancestors', isAsync: true, /*...*/ },

        // all events linger for a default of 500ms, but only trigger if a listener has catchUp option set (see above)
        // you can change the default globalLinger here to whatever you want. take care
        globalLinger: 3000,

        // debugging options, useful when you want to see what's going on. below are the defaults
        debug: {
            all:                    false, // toggles all debugging, but Vue.config.devtools option, which is usually true at development, turns it to false if it is false.
            addListener:            true, // show add listener debug messages
            invokeListener:         true, // show debug messages when listener is invoked
            emitEvent:              true, // show emit events debug messages
            eraseEvent:             true, // show erase event listeners debug messages
            lingerEvent:            true, // show linger events debug messages
            chainListenerCallbacks: true, // show chainListenerCallbacks debug messages
            removeListener:         true  // show remove listener debug messages

    // later in component...
    created() {
        this.$hear('some-event', this.callbackMethod);

        // you can also change options in userland
        this.$asyncEvents.options.debug.all = true; 
        // or change it per event or listener or all those debug options listed above; 
        // use trace option and...
        // add verbose to show actual code trace info (very useful to figure out what code is emitting event)
        this.$hear('some-event',()=> { /*do something */ }, { trace: true, verbose: true });
    methods: {
        doSmth() {
            this.$fireEvent('some-event', 'payload', { trace: true });
        unsubscribe() {


Emmanuel Mahuni, changed a lot of things in the package to make it even more awesome.


This package was adopted from 's idea, just had to make it another package as it departs a lot from the original.

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  • emahuni