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0.3.0 • Public • Published

Vue forms builder 🚀

Vue forms builder is a package for handling forms in Vue 3. It is written in Typescript, but you don't need to install Typescript if you want to use this package in a Vue 3 project. Its functionality provides handling of user input events from a view, validates user input and creates a form model. The inspiration for this were Angular Forms, but it is a rather limited version and it was written specifically for Vue 3.


Install with npm:

$ npm install vue-forms-builder


Watch the Vue project demo on StackBlitz ⚡️ or checkout it source code on Github 🎓.


Create a new form

const form = ref({
    phone: [null, [Validators.required, Validators.maxLength(10)]],
    consent: {
      phoneContact: [false, Validators.requiredTrue],
      mailContact: false,

Use form in html

<input type="text" v-model="form.get('phone').value" />
<input type="checkbox" v-model="form.get('consent.phoneContact').value" />

Create a new control

const control = ref(FormBuilder.control(null, Validators.required));

Use control in html

<input type="text" v-model="control.value" />

Create a new form array

const formArray = ref(FormBuilder.array([FormBuilder.control(null, Validators.required), FormBuilder.control(null)]));

Use form array in html

<div v-for="(control, index) of arrayGroup.controls">
  <input type="checkbox" v-model="arrayControl.controls[index].value" />




  • touched: boolean - the default value is false.
  • valid: boolean - the default value is true.
  • error: ValidationError - the default value is an empty object.


  • value: any - returns control value.
  • setValue(value: any): void - sets a new value for the control.
  • patchValue(value: any): void - patches the value of the control.
  • markAsTouched(): void - marks the control as touched.
  • markAllAsTouched(): void - marks the control as touched.
  • markAsUntouched(): void - marks the control as untouched.
  • setValidators(validators: ValidatorFunction | ValidatorFunction[]): void - sets validators to this control. If it has any validators, they will be overwritten.
  • addValidators(validators: ValidatorFunction | ValidatorFunction[]): void - add validators to this control. If it has any validators, they will be added to the existing ones.
  • removeValidators(validators: ValidatorFunction | ValidatorFunction[]): void - removes validators from this control.
  • hasValidator(validator: ValidatorFunction): boolean - checks if validator exist in this control.
  • clearValidators(): void - removes all validators from this control.
  • setError(error: ValidationError): void - sets error to this control. It also set validation to be falsy.
  • hasError(error: string): boolean - checks if the control have specified error.
  • reset(): void - resets the control to the initial value, setting it as untouched, resetting error and setting validators to the initial value.



  • controls: ControlType - controls of the group.


  • value: any - returns controls value as object of values.
  • valid: boolean - returns controls validity.
  • touched: boolean - returns true if the group is touched, false if not.
  • get(controlName: string): AbstractControl | undefined - returns FormControl or FormGroup by given name.
  • markAllAsTouched(): void - marks all the controls in this group as touched.
  • patchValue(value: { [key: string]: any }): void - patches the value of this group.
  • reset(): void - resets all the controls in this group to the initial value, setting all of it as untouched, resetting error and setting validators to the initial value.
  • addControl(name: string, control: AbstractControl): void - add a control to this group.
  • removeControl(name: string): void - remove a control from this group.
  • contains(name: string): void - check if this group contains a specific control.



  • controls: AbstractControl[] - controls of the FormArray.


  • length: boolean - returns length of controls.
  • value: any[] - returns controls value as array of values.
  • valid: boolean - returns controls validity.
  • touched: boolean - returns true if the array is touched, false if not.
  • at(index: number): AbstractControl - returns AbstractControl at the given index.
  • push(control: AbstractControl): void - add a new control at the end of the array of controls.
  • insert(index: number, control: AbstractControl): void - insert a new control at the given index in the array of controls.
  • removeAt(index: number): void - remove control at the given index from the array of controls.
  • setControl(index: number, control: AbstractControl): void - replace an existing control at the given index in the array of controls.
  • reset(): void - resets all the controls in this array to the initial value, setting all of it as untouched, resetting error and setting validators to the initial value.
  • clear(): void - remove all controls from this array.
  • markAllAsTouched(): void - marks all the controls in this array as touched.
  • patchValue(values: any[]): void - patches the value of this array.



  • control(value: any, validators?: ValidatorFunction[] | ValidatorFunction): FormControl - construct a new FormControl instance.
  • group(controls: { [key: string]: any }): FormGroup - construct a new FormGroup instance.
  • array(controls: AbstractControl[]): FormArray - construct a new FormArray instance.



  • required: ValidationError | null - requires the control's value to be non-empty.
  • requiredTrue: ValidationError | null - requires the control's value to be true.
  • pattern(pattern: RegExp): ValidatorFunction - requires the control's value to match a regex pattern.
  • min(min: number): ValidatorFunction - requires the control's value to be greater than or equal to the provided number.
  • max(max: number): ValidatorFunction - requires the control's value to be less than or equal to the provided number.
  • minLength(minLength: number): ValidatorFunction - requires the length of the control's value to be greater than or equal to the provided minimum length.
  • maxLength(maxLength: number): ValidatorFunction - requires the length of the control's value to be less than or equal to the provided maximum length.

Custom Validators

It is possible to create custom validators, but each validator should return type ValidatorFunction or ValidationError | null. Each method should also have a name, it cannot return anonymous functions.

First example

The method checks if the given value has no white spaces

export class CustomValidators {
  static noWhiteSpace = (value: any): ValidationError | null => {
    return !((value || '').trim().length === 0) ? null : { noWhiteSpace: true };


const nameControl = ref(FormBuilder.control(null, CustomValidators.noWhiteSpace));

Second example with passing a value

The method checks if the given value is contained in the specified array

export class CustomValidators {
  static arrayIncludes = (arrayOfValues: any[]): ValidatorFunction => {
    const arrayIncludes: ValidatorFunction = (value: any) => {
      return arrayOfValues.includes(value) ? null : { arrayIncludes: true };

    return arrayIncludes;


const names = ['Joe', 'Anna', 'Mike'];
const nameControl = ref(FormBuilder.control(null, CustomValidators.arrayIncludes(names)));


Everything is covered with unit tests written in Jest.

Questions and bugs

For any bugs or questions please create an issue.


Copyright © 2022, Anna Śniadek 🔥. Released under the MIT license.

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  • ania_sniadek