You need Vue.js version 2.0+ and an Google PLACE API key. This plugin is a renderless component. It comes without any css as the main goal is to use it with differents frameworks.
If you looking for framework oriented components, you can import them separately (see pre-configured section) PR are welcome for other components
Install via npm
npm install vue-custom-google-autocompleteyarn add vue-custom-google-autocomplete
Import and use
Note: if you want a specific preconfigured component, skit this step and import it as a simple component (see pre-configured section)
... Vue
<template> <custom-google-autocomplete :options="options" @select="$emit('select', $event)") <div slot-scope="{ inputAttrs, inputEvents, loading, results, query, selectPrediction, hasResults }"> ... </div> </custom-google-autocomplete></template>
Name | Type | Default | Description |
options |
Object | see options section | Plugin options (see options section) |
value |
String | null | Input value (can be use with v-model) |
You can also pass all props available on an input (placeholder, name..)
options = apiKey: YOUR_API_KEY deepSearch: true cors: false params: {} focus: false
Name | Type | Default | Description |
apiKey |
String | null | Your Google PLACE Api key (REQUIRED) |
deepSearch |
Boolean | true | Get more informations about selected place (geometry etc..) |
cors |
Boolean | false | Set to true when project is running locally |
params |
Object | {} | Google Autocomplete optional parameters |
focus |
Boolean | false | Focus input |
debounceTime |
Number | 400 | Time in ms before trigger a new Google api call |
Params object is useful to refine predictions, for example if you want to get first predictions near to a location within a radius distance in a certain language you can set params like this :
params = location: `,` radius: 1000 language: 'fr'
See Optional parameters section for more informations
@select event is triggered when a prediction is selected. It send an object with datas about the location
Template and slot-scope
In order to be more flexbile, you are able to make your own results template with slot-scope
props = inputAttrs: Object inputEvents: Object query: String results: Array loading: Boolean selectPrediction: Function hasResults: Boolean
Pre-configured Components
Bulma dropdown markup.

<template> <bulma-dropdown(:options="options" @select="selected = $event") placeholder="Search"/></template> <script>import { BulmaDropdown } from 'vue-custom-google-autocomplete' export default { components: { BulmaDropdown }, data() { return { selected: null, options: { apiKey: process.env.VUE_APP_PLACE_API_KEY, deepSearch: true, cors: true, focus: false, params: { location: '43.3,5.4', radius: 1000, language: 'fr' } } } }}</script>
To customize loading text and no results text, two slots are availables : loading
and empty
Input is binded with $attrs
Bootstrap dropdown.

<template> <bootstrap-dropdown(:options="options" @select="selected = $event") name="input-name"/></template> <script>import { BootstrapDropdown } from 'vue-custom-google-autocomplete'export default { components: { BootstrapDropdown }, data() { return { selected: null, options: any = { apiKey: process.env.VUE_APP_PLACE_API_KEY, deepSearch: true, cors: true, focus: false, params: { location: '45.52345,-122.67621', radius: 1000, language: 'en' } } } }}</script>
To customize loading text and no results text, two slots are availables : loading
and empty
Input is binded with $attrs